Principal  Message


We are in the final stretch of Term 4 and while you think we might be winding down, we are in fact revving up for many end of year celebrations and activities. The last 3 weeks of the school year are some of the busiest times in a school. There are a number of things coming up so please make sure you look in the Dates to Remember page to ensure you're not missing out of anything.


The Grade 6's are beginning to see the light beyond primary school as they plan their Graduation celebrations and complete their reflection scrapbooks.  Graduation night is filled with many mixed emotions, but for most Grade 6 students, the anticipation of what awaits them is an exciting feeling. The event itself is shaping up to be a great night as our Grade 6 parent Graduation committee put their heads together to make the night a special event for their children. The staff are looking forward to celebrating the night with the grade 6's.


Kirsty tells me that the students have been working hard on the whole school Christmas Concert and she has taken some of the students down to Stiggants to get a feel for the stage and rehearse. We are really looking forward to seeing the performances that Kirsty has put together with the students and Kevin. The weather prediction is warm and cloudy, but I would be expecting that forecast changes multiple times before Thursday.  


In Performing Arts classes, the Year 6s have been rehearsing an edited version of Kevin O’Mara and Bushfire Press’s show, “A Kidsummer Night’s Dream”. They will be supported on stage by the Prep-Year 3 ensemble who are looking forward putting on some dress-ups and singing a couple of the show’s songs. 


All of our students have working with Kevin as they participate in special bush band incursions this term and learn both traditional and uniquely Australian Christmas songs. It is the final Bushband and Carols performance with Kevin at the microphone and I look forward to see you all there to celebrate 40 years of Bushband and the end of an iconic and unique Warrandyte Primary era.  We want the audience to join in and sing along as Kevin performs one last time for the school carols. He will have one more performance at the community carols, but next week we get to cheer and say goodbye as a school community.


Our Grade 5 students are participating in the Student Leadership program as they write and present speech's to their peers in portfolios that they are interested in leading. Yesterday were the Sport Captain speeches and I was able to get across to listen to them. The quality of the speeches was outstanding, and I was particularly impressed with the confidence the student had when delivering. There is no doubt they were nervous, but they pushed through and delivered their speeches perfectly. While Rick and Greg have certainly done a great job preparing the students, I am sure they would agree with me when I say the years of performing on stage and participating in sport competitions has also helped these students to build a bank of skills they can draw on when talking to a large group of peers. 


Our final official assembly will be on Monday at 2:45pm where we will have our current student leaders present badges to the Grade 5's for 2024 leadership roles. We will be running a short final assembly on Wednesday at 1:00pm where our Grade 6's will participate in the traditional 'Guard of Honour' as they exit the school one last time.


Have a great weekend and I am looking forward to seeing everyone at the carols next week.

Take care,
