Year One

Hello, Year One Families, not long until Christmas! The Year ones have been busy finishing off this year and getting organised for next year!
In Reading, we have been completing book reviews of our favourite books. The focus of these book reviews has been for students to understand the importance of summarising. This was further developed by creating a front cover illustration of that same book.
In Writing, students had the opportunity to write a letter to their teacher for next year. They got to talk about their hobbies, favourite foods, favourite animals, favourite things about school, and what they like learning about.
In Maths, the Year One mathematicians have been looking into probability and the chance of an event occurring. Students have been looking into the vocabulary of chance, using words such as certain, impossible, will happen, won’t happen, and might happen.
In Inquiry, Students have had the explicit opportunity to research the wonderings they created at the beginning of the unit, as well as any wonderings that they come up with throughout the inquiry process.
• Classes start at 8:30 AM, please obtain a late pass from the office after 8:40 AM.
• Fully charged iPads should be brought to school every day.
• Hats are compulsory for Term Four.
• Homework expectations – students should be doing daily reading (take-home readers, PM readers and Reading Eggs) and their spelling homework. Check with your child’s teacher if you require clarification around this.
• Please do not wait for your child on the building decks after school. This clogs up the walkways and makes it difficult for students to exit the buildings, particularly from the upstairs classrooms. Please ensure you are waiting on the concrete and not on the classroom verandas.
• Timetable A carols will be held on the 13th of December from 5:30-7:30.
• Timetable B carols will be held on the 14th of December from 5:30-7:30.
• The last day of school is the 19th of December due to the 20th being a curriculum day.
Kind Regards, The Year One Team.