
Dear Prep families,
As we slowly bid farewell to our final term, it has been incredible to see how far our Prep students have come. They have truly blossomed as both learners and individuals, and it's been a joy to witness their growth.
Throughout Term Four, our Prep students embarked on a journey filled with exciting and engaging experiences that fostered both academic and personal development. We are so proud of their participation, engagement and growth, not only throughout Term Four but throughout the whole year.
The students have been working on Readers Theatre to promote reading with fluency so that a text can be understood and enjoyed. The students worked in groups to read from scripts, focusing on the interpretation of the text. This has assisted them to develop their vocal expression and intonation. We are so proud of the way they used expression to help the audience understand the story, rather than visual storytelling.
In our writing sessions, we have introduced letter writing. Students have explored the various features of a letter, recognising essential components like the heading, greeting, body, closing, and signature. As part of the process, students are actively engaging in writing letters to kinder students and next year's teachers. Students are becoming aware that letters require a stamp and an envelope. They were engaged in creating their own envelopes. This practical knowledge adds a real-world aspect to their understanding of letter writing and provides authentic, purposeful writing.
In our Maths lessons, we have progressed to the topic of division. Students have actively engaged in using various concrete materials to share amongst different groups, emphasising the importance of equal shares for fairness. Students have familiarised themselves with the division sign and related vocabulary like "equal share," "fair," and "divided by." This week we focused on aligning division number sentences with materials, demonstrating even sharing. As an additional challenge, students recognised that sometimes there are leftovers for each group to share. The concept of leftovers when was introduced to further extend student understanding. When we share items, the remainder is what's left over after we've divided as much as we can evenly.
Christmas Carols
Students are enjoying rehearsing Christmas Carol lyrics with song and dance. Excitement is building for the year-end Christmas Carol Concert celebration. Feel free to practise at home, and we look forward to seeing you on the night!. Carols will be held-
Timetable A Wednesday 13th December, 5:30 – 7:30pm. Classes: Prep A, Prep B, Prep F, Prep G, Prep H, Prep K.
Timetable B Thursday 14th December, 5:30 – 7:30pm. Classes: Prep C, Prep D, Prep E, Prep I, Prep J.
- As it is Term 4, students must wear hats outdoors, or remain in designated shade areas.
- Students must bring water bottles and refill them during breaks to stay hydrated.
- The doors open at 8:20 am and students are strongly encouraged to arrive at school on time. Students arriving at the classroom after 8:30 am must collect a late pass from the front office.
- If students are absent from school, parents must log their reasons on Xuno.
- Christmas Carols are on Wednesday 13 December and Thursday 14 December, 2023.
Best wishes for the last days of school,
Kind regards,
The Prep Team.