Year Five

Dear Year Five Families,
Can you believe we are in the second last week of term?! As the end of the term in nearing, so too is our learning. We are slowly wrapping up all of our learning for the year. This final unit has seen all of our learning from all five prior units be put to good use as we explore the world around us. It has been wonderful to see the students consolidate all of their learning in a fun and vibrant way and prepare for their own mini exhibition!
In reading, we have now explored a vast majority of Margaret Wild books. In doing this, we have learnt about Margaret Wild as a person and as an author. We have explored her writing techniques and her deep meaning, themes and messages she portrays in her writing. The grade five students are now selecting their favourite book of hers to create an in depth book review.
In writing, we have explored a variety of different poems and created our own poems along the way, the students are now finalising their own poetry journals. These poetry journals are a way for the students to express their thoughts, feelings and emotions in a variety of poetic styles. These journals incorporate each individual students own artistic flare, through their writing and creativity.
In maths, we had lots of fun creating shapes using our initials and names to measure angles. We have now moved on and are focusing on area and perimeter. We have been exploring learning on vertical surfaces which has been really fun and engaging.
In inquiry, we have continued our investigations into our chosen social issues. With a deeper understanding of the issue itself, we have focused on how we can use art as a tool to send a message about our social issue. Asking the question, how can art take action against a social issue? The students have used their critical and creative thinking skills to design and create an art piece which sends a message about their chosen social issue. We look forward to the mini exhibition the students will be holding to show their art piece, poem and artist statement about the social issue they have chosen.
As we are nearing the end of the school year and we are becoming more and more exhausted, it is important that we still remember to be kind and respectful towards others and continue to follow school policy's. Ms Daniali called a Year Five meeting to reiterate the importance of these values, and to remind students that disrespect and unkindness are not acceptable behaviours. Additionally, students are to be reminded that school policy states there is to be no contact sports. We find that many injuries are happening in the yard due to students tackling and playing contact sports. It is important that these conversations start at home, reminding students of appropriate games and behaviours towards each other and their teachers.
School Carnival
The school carnival was a great success! Mrs Kotevski and Ms Edie had an exceptionally wonderful day working the 'Lob-a-Choc' stall and enjoying the company of our student helpers and players. A massive shout out to everyone who donated chocolates and/or volunteered their time in the stall. Without your support, it would not have been nearly as successful. The Year Five teachers and the school value and appreciate all of your efforts. Thank you!!
Another special shout out to those that participated in the 'dunk a teacher' stall. Ms Edie had a great time being dunked over and over again, as did all of the other teachers who sat in the dunking chair.
Adventure Park Excursion
What an amazing way to end the year! It was an incredible day. We had so much fun letting loose and letting our hair down after such a busy year! All of the students did a great job of representing Saltwater P-9 College and the Year Five teachers were so proud of everyone!
- MacBooks - MacBooks are required at school every day fully charged as per the Digital Use Agreement from the beginning of the year.
- Christmas Carols - In term four, we have Christmas Carols. 5A, 5C, and 5E will be performing 12 Days of Christmas by Pentatonix, and 5B and 5D will be performing Deck the Halls by Love to Sing. More information about Christmas Carols will be available at a later date. If you do not want your children to take part, please email their classroom teacher.
- Early Holidays - We understand that some families will be going away early for the Christmas holidays. If you have a planned holiday, please let your child/ren's classroom teacher know as well as the office.
- Hats - Saltwater P-9 College is a 'sun smart school'. This means that school policy states: 'No Hat No Play'.