Year Four

Dear Year Four Families,
It is hard to believe that we are approaching the end of the academic year 2023. We would like to take this opportunity to extend a big thank you for your support and hope that you have a joyful Christmas and finish the year on a high note. Students and teachers are busy preparing for the upcoming Christmas carols and at the same time acknowledging the achievements of students. We are reminiscing about all the memories that we have built together in the classroom. As we get closer to concluding 2023, it is important that students take some time to reflect on their learning journey and how they have grown as learners while overcoming the challenges they have faced.
Christmas Doors:
The Year Four students are being open-minded and working as a class to decorate their classroom doors and walls to celebrate the festive season. Their team work is highly appreciated and commendable.
End of the Year Performance
(Christmas Carols):
What a joy it was to sing and dance along with all our students, staffs and families ! We hope your experience was as memorable as it was our Saltwater P-9 College community.
Christmas Carol Performance
Timetable A- Wednesday 13th December at 5:30-7:30pm
Timetable B- Thursday 14th December at 5:30-7.30 pm
In Reading, students continued to explore the ‘Question-Answer Relationship’ comprehension strategy. In order to strengthen their ability to identify the key words within the text, they are reading to be able to answer to answer literal and inferential questions. Students have been concentrating on inferential and critical thinking using ‘Author and Me’ and ‘On My Own’ strategies.
In Mathematics, students have been exploring the concept of angle while exploring the different angles and their properties. Grade 4 students are making the connections that angles are all around us. Students engaged in a scavenger hunt as a tuning in activity to find angles in the classroom while making connections to the concepts taught . They learned that there are different types of angles such as right angles, acute angles, obtuse angles, reflex angles, straight angles and full rotation. Students were able to consolidate their conceptual understanding when they used a protractor to measure and create angles. We are positive that students will transfer the skills and knowledge gained in this unit next year.
Inquiry - Science - Writing
We are almost finishing our Unit of Inquiry Six, ‘How the World Works’ with Central Idea, ‘Changes to Earth's surface happen quickly or slowly over time’. Students conducted several experiments with a focus on changes that happen to our planet's surface such as tectonic plate movements, Earth's layers, erosion, rock cycle. All the learning helped students build a better understanding of how quickly and slowly changes to Earth's surface impact our life by causing erosion, earthquakes, volcanos and more. While going through the steps of the scientific experiment, students extended their knowledge applying their writing skills by using the scientific method as an advance form of procedural text.
This was an exciting unit where students were able to reflect on their observations, analysing the results of the experiment and discussing the outcomes.
Further, students have been inquiring into new wonderings they developed an interest for while assessing their knowledge for this unit . Students have been busy working on their Student Led Investigation, researching, taking notes and presenting their findings on a topic of interest (into quickly and slowly changes on Earth's surface) furthering their learning. Students successfully shared their new acquired knowledge by presenting their findings in different forms such as posters, Canva posters, PowerPoint Presentations, Booklets and more . We are really proud of all the effort that students have put into their learning.
Year Four Teachers would like to thank our families for their continued support to enhance students' learning experiences this year.
Have a joyful Christmas and Happy New year 2024!
Year Four Team