Year Three

Dear Saltwater Families,
For Year 3 students, the last two weeks have been extremely exciting as we gear up for the end of the year. We would like to take this opportunity to extend a big thank you for your support and hope that you have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year. Students and teachers are busy preparing for the upcoming Christmas carols, while also acknowledging the achievements of all. As we get closer to concluding 2023, students are encouraged to take time to reflect on their learning journey and how they have grown as learners throughout this year.
First, we have continued exploring their Sixth Unit of Inquiry, where we have been investigating the Transdisciplinary Theme, ‘Sharing the Planet’. There have been thorough investigations into ecosystems, where students have learned how animals adapt to their environments. The year three students have discovered how many parts of an ecosystem rely on each other, alongside the impact different factors can have when introduced to an environment. In week 8, all the year 3’s had the wonderful opportunity to explore the many ecosystems at the Werribee Zoo to consolidate all that has been discovered.
In Maths, classes have been revising the concept of number through engaging in activities and real-life problems. We have been working together in pairs and teams to demonstrate our knowledge of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. This has included applying what we know to problems involving teachers’ birthday parties, to maths activities such as ‘dice bingo’ and ‘race to the moon’.
In writing, students have applied their knowledge of different writing techniques to engage a reader, using a picture prompt to inspire them. Students got to choose which format of writing they wished to use, be it procedural texts, a narrative, an information report, or another style.
In year 3 students also have used creative writing seeds to inspire their writing. As individual classes, students have been creating writing seeds to then pass on to their peers, which have then been used to construct a narrative, employing the writing process as we went.
In Reading, we have explored many exciting elements. First, in Week 8, we focused on practising our individual reading goals. Then in Week 9, we enjoyed completing a book review of our favourite story on EPIC, an author’s study, and some ‘Readers Theatre’ towards the end of the week. This was where students worked in groups of 3-6 to act out a character from a script and present it if they chose to the class. They loved portraying the characters in their scripts and demonstrated their fluency and expression while they read.
Overall, we’ve had a busy time, but it has been awesome!
Christmas Carol Performance
Timetable A- Wednesday 13th December at 5:30-7:30pm
Timetable B- Thursday 14th December at 5:30-7.30 pm
-Ensure your child’s important photos and documents are backed up somewhere from their iPads, as over the next Friday the school will be configuring it back to default settings as the year 3’s transition to using a MacBook
- A drink bottle with fresh water is needed at school
- All children will need to wear a wide brim hat whilst out at recess and lunchtime
- On Wednesdays, we are all encouraged to bring a waste-free lunch
- Continuous entry begins at 8:20 am, with class beginning at 8:30 am. Please be prompt!
-Arrivals after 8:40 am require signing in at the office.
- If your child is away, please reach out to the office, or upload the reason to Xuno.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your classroom teacher. We’re looking forward to all that’s ahead, and excited for what is to come.
Kind Regards,
The Year 3 Teaching Team