Student Awards

Student of the Week 10/11/2023
Class | Student | Reason |
| Samantha | For an excellent effort with all tasks this week. You always put in 100% and complete your work to a high standard. Well Done, Sammy! |
12C | Sadie | For being focussed and completing some great work. You have shown that you are a capable student who is willing to learn. Keep up the great work! |
23R | Archie | For achieving excellent results in his on-demand maths assessments. You have worked hard this term and deserve the standards you have reached. Well done Archie! |
34W | Kai | Kai, it has been great to have you back in the classroom! You have worked hard and been a great Long Base Captain – apart from when you knocked my glasses off!
34S | Ella | Super impressed with your improved focus on your learning this week. Your PAT reading test results reflect your dedication to improving your reading capabilities. Well done, Ella!
Student of the Week 17/11/2023
Class | Student | Reason |
| Ashton | For staying focussed and completing all your work. You have been trying your best and it shows. Well Done, Ashton
12C | Thomas | For having a positive attitude, being focussed and completing some great work this week. You should be very proud of your efforts and what you have achieved so far this year. Well done Tom, keep up the great work! |
23R | Jacob | For always being willing to assist other students when they have computer issues. Jacob has very competent computer skills and his help is appreciated by everyone, both young and old! |
34W | Casey | Well done on completing all your PAT Tests. Your reading has gone ahead in leaps and bounds. I was impressed how you were scanning the text until you located the correct answer. Keep aiming for your personal best Casey! |
34S | Mia | Mia, you can always be relied upon to listen to instructions and work really sensibly, and this week you have demonstrated great academic growth with some very impressive online assessments! |
| Brody | For managing yourself responsibly during our Year 5-6 Camp to Queenscliff last week. You have also improved all of your assessment scores this week, demonstrating significant growth in Mathematics and Reading.
Jacob | For participating enthusiastically during all the Year 5-6 Queenscliff Camp activities. You worked cooperatively and took opportunities to extend your knowledge, understanding and skills during all camp activities! Jacob, congratulations, also, on scoring highly on your PAT and OnDemand tests. A fantastic effort!
Science | Kai | This week’s Science Award goes to a hard-working student who applied himself fully to the topic of Sustainability and Natural Disasters. This week’s Science Award goes to Kai. |
Dance/ Health | Jake | For being such a respectful and hard-working student who continually leads by example through his learning habits and positive attitude. You are a keen listener when learning about new topics and are always willing to share your knowledge during reflection time. Well done on having such a great work ethic Jake, keep it up!
Values Rohan | Leo | This week’s Values Award goes to a kind and helpful student who always assists others and is respectful of teacher instructions. This week’s Values Award goes to Leo. |