From the Principal's desk

With the weather warming up students have enjoyed being outside and playing during recess and lunchtimes. Can parents and students please ensure they have a hat at school and are wearing this at all times while outdoors. We have many exciting things happening throughout the school as the end of the school year approaches.
We will be very busy over the next couple of weeks working out our classes and teaching staff for 2024. The structure of our classes at this stage will be:
- 2 x Prep/Year 1
- Year 1/2
- 2 x Year 3/4
- 2 x Year 5/6
Last week I sent out a Compass message to all families around special request for class placements for 2024. Just a reminder that all request need to be submitted by next Friday the 1st of December.
Thank you to Grace and Georgie for representing the school at the Remembrance Day service last Saturday and for facilitating a service at school on Monday last week.
Next Monday we will be holding a morning tea to thank everyone that volunteers their time to help Numurkah Primary School be the best place it can. I have been blown away by the number of people who volunteer their time to support us, Thank you!
Events coming up:
The Prep and Year 1 extended play and Year 2 sleepover is coming up this Thursday the 23rd of November. Prep and Year 1 students will stay after school for some games and activities and the Year 2 will then stay for tea and a sleep over at school.
2024 Prep
The Prep transition sessions will continue each Monday until the State-wide Orientation Day on the 12th of December. The students have been having so much fun and today were joined by the current Prep students for their activities. If any families have not sent back enrolment forms for a child starting in 2024, please contact the office to organise this as soon as possible.