Our Amazing Volunteers/Community
Canteen and Uniform Shop
Jenny Marashli and Annie Thomas have greatly welcomed back parent volunteers to our canteen and uniform shop. We are so appreciative of our parent support in these areas of our school operations as many of these services would not be available without the dedicated support of volunteers.
I would like to make a special mention of Mr Ben Miskin. Ben has volunteered his services to the canteen on a weekly basis and even managed our canteen when Jenny Marashli was on school camp. Thank you Ben every student at our school knows you and respects you for your ongoing support.
Parents’& Friends
Congratulations to all members of the P&F team of energetic and enthusiastic parents who continue to grow in strength, engagement, and numbers.
It has been another big year of fundraising for the P&F, raising over $34,000 with our various activities over the year. Money raised this year has been spent on new football jumpers, $12,000 worth of decodable readers and $23,000 to air-condition the Senior Learning Centre.
Our P&F’s, under the leadership of Mrs Natalie Northey, is not just about raising funds for items that add value to our students’ education but is a key component ensuring parent and family engagement with the Beaumaris North Primary School community is cohesive and inclusive.
This involvement often leads to long friendships of community members and the students love to see their parents involved at special school activities and events.
Colour Run
The Colour Run was once again a wonderful event organised by our parents.
Catherine Verlaan was the coordinator of this fun filled experience for everyone. I would also like to thank Nat & Andrew Northey, Emma & Greg Watson who supported Catherine with this event. The team worked calmly and quietly behind the scenes organising every aspect of the event.