Our school Wellbeing Dog Bexley 

Our school wellbeing dog Bexley was excited to come to school last Tuesday. He enjoyed playing with his toys in the staffroom, visiting all the classrooms, connecting and interacting with students, staff and parents, spending time in our Community Garden, and being on Yard Duty. He was very tired at the end of his busy day at St Mary’s.

When you see Bexley at school please remember to follow the 3 expectations so as he can learn to relax at school;

  1. Say hello to the person (not Bexley).
  2. Give lots of space when you pass Bexley.
  3. Keep moving (do not stand and stare at Bexley).

As Bexley is a working dog and has an important job to do at our school we always ask the person with him if it is an appropriate time to pat him before doing so. Thank you for your support.