A Message From Anna 

Principal's Report

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to Box Hill North Primary School and Kindergarten for 2025! Our first day of school in 2025 has been a big success, with happy faces and active minds all throughout the school. It has been such a pleasure to see all our happy students back at school. 


Preps 2025

It is always a very special day when we welcome our Preps to their very first day of Primary School. Whether they were Kinder students last year, just moving to a new building within the school or brand new to the school, there is always a lot of excitement for their new adventures in Primary School. 

Our 2025 Preppies amazed us all this morning, by settling in quickly and confidently with smiles on their faces. Their parents also did a fantastic job of adjusting, some with a little help from each other and some Year 1 parents at our Cheers n Tears event in the Community Room. 


Staff News

This year we are welcoming Claudia Hart to Box Hill North Primary School as the teacher in 1/2B.  Claudia come to us from Alphington Primary School and brings a lot of warmth and confidence to the role.   Welcome Claudia!


We are also welcoming back Ms Kelly Wild to BHNPS, who will be teaching 3/4C on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Kelly worked at Box Hill North until 2021, when she took leave to start a family. We’re thrilled to have Kelly’s experience and sparkle added to our 3/4 team this year!



Lastly, we welcome a new Kindergarten team member this year – Kristina Nicolaou. Kristina comes with a wealth of Kindergarten experience, and has already established herself as a valued member of the Kinder team!




Curriculum Days

On Tuesday and Wednesday this week, our staff worked collaboratively to ensure we bring research-based best practice teaching to our classrooms this year. 

As a staff, we discussed our intentions for 2025, in line with our Annual Implementation Plan goals that focus on the development of Teaching and Learning, specifically in Reading and Mathematics, and School-Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS). I will share more specific details of our 2025 Annual Implementation goals in future Newsletters. Staff also spent time discussing Multi-Tiered Systems of Support and the Victorian Teaching and Learning Model (2.0), which will be core to Professional Learning throughout 2025. We look forward to sharing more about these exciting teaching and learning developments with our parent community throughout 2025. 

Multi-Tiered System of Support

VTLM 2.0


Assembly Friday 31st January – 9.10am!

We look forward to welcoming as many parents as possible to our first assembly for 2025, to be held at 9.10am tomorrow (Friday) morning on The Green. See you there!


Grounds Improvements

Over the holidays, we have had some gardening works completed – most noticeably the garden along the Morley Crescent fence line. We have also been very grateful to one of our community members – Daryl – for volunteering to do some mowing for us in his spare time.  Thanks Daryl!


Storm Water Works

In coming weeks some works will be completed along the school’s northern fence line, to remedy storm water leakages that have been impacting our very patient neighbours. These works will result in one of the Morley Crescent gates being inaccessible, so please pay attention to signage that may redirect you to alternate entries or footpaths. We appreciate your patience whilst these works are completed.


Canteen Duty 

Any parents willing to help out in the canteen this term are greatly appreciated. Please contact the office to volunteer your time during a lunch on a Friday. We will also be training students to manage the canteen this term, so look forward to seeing our ambitious students learning new skills!





Box Hill North Parent Teacher Interviews (Prep to Year 6) will be taking place in person in week 3 on Monday 10th and Tuesday 11th February – 3:40pm to 6:00pm.


For those families needing an online meeting on either of those days please contact your classroom teacher via Compass Message to arrange a link. Bookings will be made available Monday 3rd February at 4:00pm on Compass.  Our classroom teachers at Box Hill North are looking forward to hearing about your children from you, the people who know them best.  The interview will focus on your child's:

  • friendships
  • learning
  • wellbeing
  • personality

To organise a time for our Box Hill North Parent Teacher Interviews, please do so through Compass via the Conferences tab.


If you are having any trouble signing up with Compass. Please get in contact with our amazing office staff Sarah and Trish via 9890 5023.


Enjoy connecting with our wonderful teachers at Box Hill North.







Anna Johnstone
