School Calendar

Week 4
- Monday 17th February - Year 6 Leadership Excursion
- Tuesday 18th February - Beginning of Year Mass
- Wednesday 19th February - Foundation rest day
- Friday 21st February - Year 2/3/4 Assembly 2.30 pm in the Library
- Friday 21st February - Division Swimming Carnival
Week 5
- Monday 24th February - Parent Student Teacher Meetings - This is a Pupil Free Day
Wednesday 26th February - Foundation rest day
- AFL Workshops
Week 6
- Tuesday 4th March - Pancake Tuesday (more details to come)
- Wednesday 5th March - Ash Wednesday (more details to come)
- Thursday 6th March - SHS Community BBQ 5pm-6:30pm
Week 7
- Wednesday 12th March - P and C Meeting 3:30pm in Library