Captains Corner

By Vinudi 6B - School Vice Captain

Can you believe it? We are already approaching the end of Term Three with only two more weeks to go! As always the past two weeks have been full of fun and exciting programs and events. And we have more to come.


In the previous week, the Years 4-6 who were selected to be a part of the District Athletics participated on the 26/08/2024. Everyone had a great time, enjoyed the sport filled day and let their competitive side shine. A whopping 32 students from our school will be advancing to Division athletics and I wish them good luck but also good job to all the people who participated.


On 04/09/2024 our Year Six leaders attended their second leadership day. Last time they went, they proudly represented our school. This time we expect nothing less from our Year Six leaders. On this day our school, Glendal, Mount View Primary and Glen Waverly Secondary College will meet together and discuss what it is to be a leader, how being a leader affects others and how we can be leaders who contribute to world-wide solutions.



As a reminder we currently have the chance to raise money through the fun run program. This is a great opportunity for the students to raise money and in return win a prizes from squish balls to Nintendo Switches. After this we will have the Fun Run which will be an amazing and unforgettable experience.


Thank you for reading this issue of the newsletter. I hope you have a great two weeks ahead of you and a wonderful holiday.


Kind regards,

Vinudi - school vice captain