Well done Year 11’s on another great term so far. It has certainly flown by and you are nearly at holiday time.
Firstly, some general reminders:
- Ensure that you make it to all classes on time, including form group in the morning
- Wear full school uniform (or come and see the Year 11 team if for some reason you are out of uniform)
- Keep your phones in your lockers during the day. They should not be in your pockets or pencil cases
S’s and N’s:
- Make sure you spend time in the next two weeks catching up with your teachers to ensure you are tracking well to achieve S’s in Unit 2 subjects. If you are still on N’s for Unit 1 subjects, find out what you need to do to change these. The Year 11 Team will support you if you need it.
Looking forward:
- An early reminder that next term will be summer uniform and that includes wearing hats when outdoors for break times and PE classes etc. Make sure you have a hat ready to go from Day 1 next term.
Enjoy the final 2.5 weeks of term! 😊