Library News

Book Week

Book Week officially starts tomorrow 17th August and lasts all next week. Book Week is a perfect opportunity to celebrate Australian children’s literature and everything our staff do to support reading.


Book Character Parade

To start the Book Week celebrations, this Monday 19th August, our annual Book Character Parade will be held from 9:15am in the gym. What will be the most popular character our students like to dress up as this year? This annual event is a great way to kick off a fabulous week of learning and fun that our students love to participate in. We look forward to seeing everyone in their costumes!!


Children’s Book Council of Australia (CBCA) Best Book Awards 2024

During Term 3 our students listen to, and discuss, many of the shortlisted CBCA books in the Early Childhood, Picture Story and New Illustrator book categories during library sessions. 

Winners of the CBCA awards will officially be announced on 16th August, however as many year levels have had so much going on so far this term, we will hold off announcing the winning books till later in the term once all our students have had opportunities to make their own judgements.




Victorian Premier’s Reading Challenge

Don’t forget to keep entering your child’s reading challenge books! Reading Challenge date for final entry of books is Week 8 of this term – with next week being Week 6, there isn’t long to go!! Almost every picture story book that is borrowed from our library each week is a Victorian Premier’s Reading Challenge book included on the challenge booklist. These books have VPRC coloured stickers on the base of their spines to help for easy identification by everyone. 



Colouring Competition

Our ‘Reading is Magic’ Book Week Colouring Competition winners will also be announced soon -  keep watching this space!



Author Visit – Felice Arena              

It’s also not long to go until this year’s author visit from Felice Arena. Tuesday 27th August is the day! Thank you to all parents who have sent in their permission forms and payments for this event.



Scholastic Book Club

Issue 6 Book Club orders will be distributed to students next week.  As always, if there is ever any item that does not meet your expectations, please let us know. Scholastic are very supportive and timely in addressing issues. 

We also take this opportunity to thank those families who continue to support our school by purchasing books through this means. Our library and classrooms all benefit from commissions earned to help us keep the currency of both our collection and book sets as up to date as possible.


Karin Sansom  & Emily Way