Stars of the Week! 

Stars of the Week at Bimbadeen Heights!


The Bimbadeen Heights students continue to make great choices while they are learning. Here are our latest Stars of the Week!








Georgie M

Georgie is a kind, compassionate and respectful student who always has a smile. She shows whole body listening and enjoys sharing her thoughts with the class. Keep up the amazing work Georgie!



Shana L

Shana is a kind student who enjoys working with her peers. She has learnt to adopt a growth mindset and not give up even when tasks are challenging. Keep making great choices Shana!



Isaac H

Isaac has been demonstrating respectful listening on the mat and completing his best work at his table. Keep up the great effort, Isaac. We are proud of you.



Louis S

Louis is trying hard to make good choices and is so proud when he follows our school values. He loves receiving tokens for his efforts. Keep being the best you can be, Louis.



Laken H

Laken has been working hard this week to show respect and integrity during learning time. He has shown compassion by helping his friends in the school yard. This has made him feel happy and proud. Keep up the amazing work Laken!



Jonathan R.L

Jonathan has been working hard to follow class instructions this week and use his voice to share his ideas. He has also been showing our school values in the school yard. Keep up the amazing work Jonathan!



Rosie B

Rosie is a respectful member of 0ST. She listens to her classmates and has demonstrated integrity when staying focused during tasks. Rosie has shown resilience when offering to speak at assembly. She should be proud of herself. Fantastic effort Rosie!



Van Dawt L

Van Dawt is a kind and caring friend. Her confidence has continued to grow this year. Van Dawt has worked really hard in reading and phonics to learn her letters and sounds. Keep up the great work Van Dawt!



Joshua H

Joshua is a kind and friendly member of 1WD. He puts his best effort into all learning tasks. He enjoys sharing things about himself with his peers and enjoys making his friends laugh. We are so proud of Joshua! 



Andy N

Andy is new to our school, but you wouldn’t know it! He is a kind and friendly member of 1WD. He is respectful and always tries his best during learning time, but he also enjoys having fun with his friends and making his peers laugh. We love how he comes into class with a big smile every morning. Well done Andy! 




Noah M

Noah has demonstrated compassion by helping others with tasks such as tidying up after independent work time. He has also worked hard to be a respectful listener by putting his hand up and waiting his turn before sharing his insightful ideas. Keep up the great work, Noah!



Delilah K

Delilah always shows compassion and kindness to everyone around her. She has worked hard on completing her learning tasks and created a very descriptive colour poem this week. Keep up the great work, Delilah!



Fynn T

Fynn has been trying hard to show that he is focussed for learning and making sure he is using integrity in the classroom. He has also shown that he is a compassionate friend by celebrating friends successes and helping their organisation. Well done, Fynn - keep up the great work!



Weston S

Weston has been consistently showing integrity this week. He has been contributing thoughtfully to whole class discussions and showing his personal best during independent work time. Way to go Weston - keep it up! 



Tyler S

Tyler has achieved a very successful week of learning in 1TJ and has enjoyed our focus on the Olympics. He has participated well during our mini lessons and tried his best during all learning tasks. Tyler should feel particularly proud of his effort in writing. Keep up the awesome effort, Tyler!



Neil B

Neil has enjoyed our focus on the Olympic Games and has engaged in all learning tasks. He has shared that he does not want to be an Olympian. Neil's dream is to be an engineer and to design and build Olympic Stadiums! Keep working hard to achieve your goals, Neil!



Harrison W

Harrison completes all work within the set times and remains organised and ready to learn. He is willing to help his peers and treats everyone with respect. Well done, Harrison.



Anesa S

Anesa is a kind and compassionate member of 2SB.  She demonstrates all of our school values and does her best with her school work. Well done Anesa!



Madelyn P

Maddie continues to brighten our classroom with her cheerful smile and her enthusiastic participation in all our learning and extracurricular activities.  Well done Maddie – you are a very well-deserved winner of a second Star of the Week award.






Chloe N

Choe has a great work ethic and enjoys new challenges. She has courteous manners and is a willing helper in the classroom. Chloe is a FABULOUS member of 2MF.






Amelia H

Amelia is a kind and compassionate member of 2MR. She demonstrates all of our school values and does her best with her school work. Well done Amelia!




Lucy D

Lucy is a delightful member of 2MR! She demonstrates resilience with her school work, compassion towards her classmates and respect at all times. Keep up the great work Lucy!




Jack M

Jack has been a wonderful class role model in all areas of his learning. He completes all work within the set times and remains organised and ready to learn. Jack is willing to help his peers and treats everyone with respect. Well done, Jack.




Issy R

Issy has been working hard on personal goals both in and out of the classroom. She shows happiness all throughout the day and interacts kindly with her peers. Issy should be proud of her efforts lately. Keep up the great work!



Connor A

Connor has made an excellent start to Term 3! He is working particularly hard on all of his learning tasks and is showing respect by listening to all of the instructions provided to him. Connor is showing compassion towards his peers and can be seen with a smile on his face. Well done Connor, keep up the brilliant work!!



Lincoln P

For working hard to complete his work to a high standard. Lincoln is doing a terrific job with his poetry writing. Great work Lincoln, keep it up!



Ivy S

Wow Ivy! You have been showing so much responsibility and resilience with your great choices during learning time. I have also noticed that you always treat those around you with respect and compassion - keep up the terrific work!




Evie H

Evie is a kind and respectful student in 4JG. She was so excited about the poetry performance, and performed her poem wonderfully. Evie has worked very hard on creating humorous limericks. She has also enjoyed solving problems involving money. 

Excellent work Evie!



Jacob B

Jacob is a hardworking student who enjoys being humorous with his friends. He is a complex thinker which allows him to think about the world differently and share his thoughtful insights during class discussions.

Amazing work Jacob!



Erin L

Erin has been working hard in her writing this week. She has been resilient in following the structure of a limerick and drafting a verse for her character, Taylor Swift.​ Well done Erin!



Tom HG

Tom has worked hard on his focus this week in his writing and spelling. He has shown resilience when joining his letters and when drafting his limericks too.​ Well done Tom!



Whole Class

Congratulations to 4SC for presenting very entertaining poems for our Poetry Competition. The audience was engaged and it was lovely to see everyone confidently bringing their poem to life. Many students showed great resilience to overcome their nerves. I am proud of you all!






Darcy C

For showing resilience, passion and having fun on school camp. You have also had a great week of learning and consistently show the school values of respect and compassion.Well done and keep it up!




Connor J

Congratulations to Connor for being our Star of the Week! His resilience in managing his Type 1 diabetes during camp was truly inspiring, and his respectful attitude towards all the educators of our different activities made him a standout participant. You should be incredibly proud of your strength and kindness. Well Done Connor!



MatthewMatthew is an active learner in 6EM. He shares his thinking to help others learn, especially in Maths where he uses vocabulary to describe his thinking or process. He is taking greater risks in his writing, letting his ideas and skills grow. Matthew also encourages others and shows compassion to lift people up. Well done, Matthew. Keep up the good work.



AddisonAddison is a kind member of 6EM who is capable of achieving great things. She is more regularly sharing her wonderful ideas and responses with the class which is great to see! Addison shows integrity even when it is hard, showing strength in character. Well done, Addison! Keep stepping up and shining!



Mason T

We would like to acknowledge Mason for his attentive listening skills.  He tunes into the learning and knows how to get started on tasks after instructions have been given. Thank you Mason for being a leader, showing integrity and being a responsible learner. 



Sienna M

Sienna M.  You certainly bring laughter and chatter to our class.  We love your ability to take on feedback and follow instructions.  You can apply yourself to tasks with great determination and we appreciate your resilience to keep that positive mindset regarding your work ethic.  Keep striving, Sienna.