Quiz Night - 12th September


All students are invited to our annual quiz night! 


It is an exciting, fun-filled evening of challenging questions, friendly competition, and great company. Get your mates, showcase your smarts, and enjoy the lively atmosphere. Don't miss out on the chance to win fantastic prizes. 


We look forward to seeing you there!







Glowing Rooms 3 D Mini Golf - 14th September








Weekend activity











Year 12 End-of-Year Dinner - 19th September


2024 Farm Skills - 19th September



Sign up to join a team for this year's Farm Skills competition, held a week before the Perth Royal Show at Claremont. 


This is a fantastic opportunity to test your skills and apply what you've learned on the farm. 


It's a chance to showcase your abilities and enjoy some friendly competition.




2024 Year 12 Graduation & Prize Day