Prep to Grade 2:

What a fabulous few weeks we have enjoyed in Prep/1A! From our excursion follow up activities to our energetic PMP sessions - our days always busy, and always LOTS of fun!
In literacy we have continued to explore common diagraphs - two letters, one sound (/th/ and /sh/). Last fortnight, we talked about /ch/ and the alternative spelling with the trigraph -tch, which we use following a short vowel sound. In writing, we are working on our farm animal information reports. Each child has chosen an animal and is now working through the writing process (brainstorm, draft, edit, revise, publish) to present their interesting facts. Watch this space - more to come on this!
In maths, we are completing a mini unit on money, to learn to recognise Australian coins and notes and order them according to value. This unit has been so much FUN! We have put money in piggy banks, visited a lolly shop, and even opened our very own mini shop to practice selling and buying!
Finally, in Inquisitive Minds, we have continued to explore our personal family histories. Having now completed our family history puzzle, each child is getting the opportunity to share to the class what makes them special, who is in their family, and where their family is from. Thank you for your support in getting this work done - I'm sure you'll agree, the puzzles look AMAZING!!
Time is absolutely flying this term! In Literacy, grade 1s have been learning a bunch of different spellings for the oo and yoo sounds, as well as a new rule for adding the suffix 'ing' to root words that end in e: "drop the e, add: i, n, g!" Grade 2s have been mastering using apostrophes to signal possession, learning about different types of nouns and are starting to revise some key homophones. In Writing, students have been finishing off some amazing recounts about our exciting Chesterfield Farm excursion, and have started researching and writing some information reports on farm animals.
In maths, we've finished off our measurement unit with some hard work on telling the time to o'clock, half past, and for some, even quarter past and quarter to. We've also been consolidating our knowledge of months and seasons, and discussing duration of events.
Inquisitive minds has taken us on a trip through history this term and we have been busy discussing our personal and family histories and how families and family roles have changed over time.