Performing Arts & 

Visual Arts

Angelico Exhibition

A number of our talented art students will have their artwork displayed in the prestigious Angelico Exhibition which opens this week. 


The Angelico Exhibition is named after Blessed Fra Angelico, Patron before God of Artists and is a significant annual event on the Catholic School Art Calendar. The exhibition provides a broad public forum through which Catholic school students throughout Western Australia are able to exhibit their dynamic artistic talent. 


All are welcome to view the artworks and vote in the People’s Choice Award. Best of luck to our Secondary participants:

  • Jac Beros
  • Theo Mistilis
  • Jake Ieraci
  • Travis Puertollano
  • Riley Ferguson
  • Edward McLean
  • James Berinson
  • Blake Johnson
  • Justin Le
  • Jack Lindegger

Dates: Monday 5 August - Friday 23 August (weekdays)

Times: 9.00am – 5.00pm (weekdays)

Venue: Forrest Centre, 221 St Georges Terrace, Perth


There is an additional weekend viewing session on Saturday 17 August, 1.30pm – 3.00pm for participants, families and community members.

Dance and Drama Showcase

Wakakirri 2024

Congratulations to the boys in our dance ensemble, Imperium, on their recent performance at Wakakirri! Alongside the positive feedback from other schools and the evening's show awards, we are thrilled to announce that ‘Interrogation’ has won the State Award for a Resilience Health Story!"A complex and confronting story dance exploring what it means to 'belong' when under intense scrutiny." - Libby Hammer, Wakakirri Ambassador.


 Show Awards

  • Ensemble Award for Dance Performance
  • Ensemble Award for Choreography
  • Production award for Projection
  • Storytelling Award for Strong use of the Festival Motif
  • Creative production award for Lighting Design
  • Spirit of Wakakirri Award 

Wakakirri Ambassador Feedback - Libby Hammer

"This accomplished and proficient dance team presented an exploration of the human condition when faced with interrogation. Brilliant use of poles to create a second 'space' and torches, especially when turned on the audience. The accompanying footage was creative and added gravitas to the piece. A story dance of exceptionally high quality."