Principal's Message

Feast of The Assumption Mass

Yesterday morning, our College gathered for our special Eucharist Celebration of the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a recognised Holy Day of Obligation within our Church. The students and staff, deserve much praise for the way in which they joined together in a most reverent manner, overcoming the difficult wet weather that was present as we entered the Sports Centre. The Spirit of Community that was displayed was a great reflection on our identity as a Catholic School in the Edmund Rice tradition, particularly evident in the rousing rendition of our Recessional Hymn, ‘In Nomine Domini’.


College Chaplain, Fra Oscar Aguilera celebrated our Mass and gave a wonderful Homily that centred on the Blessed Virgin Mary, focussing on her role as the Mother of Christ and as the first disciple of Jesus. Relating to the story of Mary with Elizabeth, he challenged the boys to find the moments of joy in their own lives and to be genuinely grateful for all that they have. Fra Oscar then asked the students, and staff, to acknowledge and celebrate the very special role of all mothers and all women highlighting the genuine care, selfless love and deep hope they provide. It was a very poignant message and another reminder to show gratitude for what we have.


In an ‘all boys’ school, such a message about the important and central role of women in our lives is vital. I am particularly proud that within our College, events such as International Women’s Day, Mother’s Day, Respect and Pink Sock Day have such prominence. Such a focus on the special role of women forms an essential part of the Curriculum and Formation programs within Trinity College. Boys engaging in meaningful discussions about respectful relationships and the important role of women in their own lives, forms part of our holistic education for the boys. We do so in the spirit of partnering with families to educate, raise and form young men who will make a real difference in their own families, communities, wider society and the world.


While Fra Oscar spoke beautifully about Mary as the Mother of Christ, he gently challenged our boys to genuinely acknowledge their own mothers, mother figures and women in their life. In that same spirit, I will take this this opportunity to acknowledge all the women who work and volunteer in our College and thank them for the wonderful and essential work they do in supporting, teaching, coaching, leading and advising our young men. I thank the Mothers and Mother figures for the love and care they provide for their son/s. Our College community must be representative of our broader society in that our students must see women equally in positions of influence as well as care; in leadership as well as service; and in supporting our ongoing endeavours as educators seeking to instil knowledge, faith and values within our young men. For this, I am sure, you join me in hope and prayer:


            Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.

            Blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus.

            Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners,

            now and at the hour of our death.



Live Jesus in our Hearts.


Mr Darren O’Neill
