Middle Sub School News

Sarah Hill - Middle Sub School Leader
Hi families,
I hope the last few weeks have been kind to you, and that you have managed to engage in a Student Support Meeting (SSG) alongside your child’s classroom teacher. SSG’s are such a wonderful opportunity to engage in conversations around the positive things happening in your child’s classroom, their successes and some of their goals moving forward. It is also a great opportunity for you to share what is happening at home, any changes you may have noticed, or future changes you anticipate impacting on your child.
We have a number of students heading off on excursions and participating in incursions during both Terms 3 and 4. Lucky things! Keep an eye out on Seesaw for photos of these special days and events!
Individual Learning Plans
Classroom staff have been very busy putting together, revising and updating students individual learning plans, reflecting upon the progress made on current goals and considering new goals for the future. Keep an eye out for these as we approach the end of the term.
Seesaw posts are uploaded weekly, and sometimes daily of your children participating in activities, smiling for the camera or just generally participating in group tasks. I encourage you to access this platform to gain an insight into what is happening both in and outside of the classroom at JSA.
Winter & Sickness
As we continue to endure a Melbourne winter, sickness, colds and flus are circulating! We continue to support students to practise good hygiene, washing their hands, using tissues and generally keeping ‘hands to self’. In the event you need to keep your child at home due to sickness, please call the absence line so that we are able to monitor student absences, and check in should your child have any unexplained absences.
Book Fair
We hope your child enjoyed that was the Book Fair. Such a wonderful week was spent celebrating all things written and digital literacy, reading and storytelling.
Have a wonderful few weeks!
Room 12
Hello Everyone,
Here in Room 12 we’ve been very busy!
We have been learning about Materials with Karla in science, as well as doing lots of fun experiments. We look forward each week to find out what we will be exploring in science class.
We really enjoy our cooking classes and have made yummy desserts and dishes. This week we made mini frittatas.
We had so much fun at the NAIDOC Sports Day last Friday. A big thank you to all of the staff that helped set up a fantastic day! We learned how to throw, catch and kick a football.
How fun was the parade on Wednesday? We loved seeing all the amazing costumes during the parade.
For Book Week we have been reading lots of wonderful books. We cannot wait for the book fair this Friday to find even more books to read!
Thanks everyone,
Room 12.