Facilities News

Dr Denise Clarke Frances Hansen
Capital Works Manager Facilities Manager
Capital Works
The next project that is in the planning stage is a "Mega Swing". This swing will cater for secondary students for whom the regular swings are not appropriate. The swing will be 4.2 metres high and provide a challenge to the older students. We hope the swing will be available early Term 4. Student leadership group have selected orange for the powder coating of the supports.
The students and staff in the Yaluk building are exploring and testing its capacity and reporting any items that are not quite as robust as we planned. There are many areas where the use of the building is better than we envisioned. The foyer outside the hospitality kitchen has been used for theory lessons, as well as a café for the coffee club. In addition, it has provided a working/meeting space for staff when the kitchen is not being used. We are still smiling about the multi-functionality of the new building.
During the last few weeks many of the Essential Safety Maintenance reviews have been completed by VSBA contractors, the contractors have not flagged any issues at the school.
The site shed will be removed from the parent carpark and the JSA buses will be relocated to the staff carpark.
Contractors have been onsite to discuss repairs and maintenance to be achieved during the holiday period. A fence next to Room 4 is being replaced, gates around the school are being further reinforced or repaired, the remaining items from the PMP works will be completed and the project will be signed off.
A new EMP project is to commence to repair the damage in the bus loop. Spaces have been awarded the tender and have commissioned a survey of the damage which has been completed. The school is waiting on the report and the scope of works to be undertaken and when the works will commence.