Primary Sub School Stars of the Week

Room 1
- Raffy for showing great skill with letter sounds in English
- George for following instructions and completing his work.
Room 2
- Rameen for enjoying completing her ABC tasks especially sticker books and following her mini schedule
- Musa for doing good sharing and turn taking in the classroom.
Room 3
- Jeremy for great sorting and naming the coins.
- Armando for great matching coins and notes.
Room 4
- Vaiga has shown great listening skills. What a star you are, Vaiga! Keep up the great work, Vaiga!
Room 5
- Scarlett for working hard on her speaking and listening skills.
- Aarjav for working hard on his book report.
Room 6
- Evie for showing great enthusiasm throughout our rehearsals for the school performance.
- Erwon has worked hard in all his learning tasks and has been a fantastic helper, taking on the responsibility of helping his friends pack their bags during home time.
Room 7
- Emjay has been trying lots of new things and continues to show incredible bravery in Room 7. What a star you are Emjay!
Room 8
- Saven for demonstrating that he can make good choices when playing with his friends in the classroom
- Mason has demonstrated that he can follow the whole class schedule
Room 9
- Mabior for demonstrating his improving play skills when playing with peers
- Oliver for trying his best to complete all work tasks and his improving self-advocacy skills