
Principal News Flash 

Stephanie Torchia & Dan Moloney 


Term 3 Curriculum Scope & Sequence


Each term, all students explore learning common topics that align with the Victorian Curriculum and those of local interest. 

In Term 3, we are studying:

  • Humanities & Science: Science ‘Solids, Liquids and Gases’
  • Personal & Social Capabilities: ‘Respectful Relationships: Stress Management’
  • Health & PE: Health ‘Relationships & Consent’
  • Music & Dance: Music ‘Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow’
  • Visual Arts: Explore & Express Ideas ‘Solids, Liquids and Gases’
  • Design & Technologies (Café): ‘Developing Fundamentals (Skills & Operations)

Restorative Practices- REAL SCHOOLS



Restorative practice is a strategy that seeks to repair relationships that have been damaged, including those damaged through bullying. It does this by bringing about a sense of remorse and restorative action on the part of the offender and forgiveness by the victim.


The rationale behind this approach is that when offenders reflect upon their harm to victims:

  • They become remorseful and act restoratively.
  • Practitioners can focus on the unacceptable behaviour of offenders rather than their moral character.
  • This can lead to healthier interpersonal relations among members of the school community and more effective learning.

As part of our school's commitment in embedding and sustaining whole-school restorative practices to support student learning and wellbeing outcomes, the school will be focusing on the following actions  this semester:


ACTION 1: Implement universal Tier 1 practices that develops a shared understanding of whole-school Restorative Practices (aligned to a Restorative Practice Action Plan). Staff will be focusing on building staff capacity to communicate effectively using a feelings word in language to address low level yet high frequency behaviours (Affective Statements) as well as ways to engage in 1:1 response to poor behaviours from the past, present and future. 


ACTION 2: Develop an observation checklist to determine the percentage of staff utilising a morning circle check-in and follow up conversation with students to ensure there is consistency of practice related to restorative conversations.


ACTION 3: Review the student debrief template to align with the school's commitment to engage in effective restorative conversations following an incident.



More information about restorative practices can be found on the DET website using the link provided: