Middle Years News

Live Life Leader Testimonials for Athletics Day BBQ Fundraiser for the Pat Cronin Foundation
Tara Shadfar
During the Athletics BBQ this year we helped fundraise by assisting the staff who were cooking and handling money by taking orders for the customers and preparing the sausages and drinks.
It felt important to support the Pat Cronin Foundation because just one punch can be deadly and when done without prior thoughts could permanently affect multiple lives, which nobody should have to go through.
Vinh Phan
On 10 May, Koonung Athletics Carnival Day, my fellow Live Life leaders, teachers and I helped work the Live Life BBQ. Some of our tasks included ensuring the drinks were nice and cold, counting the money that was fundraised, and cooking and selling the sausages. We were really happy to help raise money for the Pat Cronin foundation.
Thanks to all the students and staff involved in this now annual event. The Pat Cronin Foundation is an important part of the local community and provides our students with a strong anti-violence message when they come and visit us each year. We’re very pleased to announce that this year we were able to raise $662.73 to assist in their ongoing education programs.
Shaun Sanderson (Live Life Coordinator)
Wellbeing Days - Years 7-9
These days are designed to support the social and emotional growth of our students by helping them strengthen their connections with peers, build resilience, develop self-regulation skills, and foster strong relationships with their teachers. The activities build on the work started in Term 3 and align with both the Positive Classrooms initiative for Years 7 and 8, as well as the Live Life Program for Year 9.
Middle School Team
As we head towards the middle of Term 4, it’s important to take time to reflect upon the growth and development of our student cohorts across the year-to-date.
Our Year 7 students have grown into confident young individuals, ably navigating the school landscape with ease and being able to locate classrooms that once confused them back in Term 1. The Year 8 students have developed their capacity across the year to be thoughtful, considerate and empathetic peers to each other, and have practiced these skills through their Mental Health First Aid training and yLead Leadershift days. The Year 9 students have matured into young adults, and as we head through the term, we will be seeing the end of their time in the Middle School, as they prepare for their transition to Senior School.
There are many events coming up in the Middle School over the next few weeks, and I look forward to celebrating the achievements and growth of every child across the year as they conclude their learning programs for 2024.
School for Student Leadership
In Term 1, 2025, Koonung will be fortunate to once again have students participating in the program at the School for Student Leadership. Following a selection process, I am please to announce that Emily Fredrickson, Zi Liu, Millie Porcaro, Jun Mieu, Gabriel Patino Portela and Theo Vlahakis have been selected for this opportunity to attend the Marlo campus of the SSL. The SSL is a school where a limited number of students from multiple schools are selected to go away from home and school for a whole term to strengthen their leadership skills. I look forward to hearing about your adventures.
Wellbeing days
In the recent weeks, each Year Level from 7 to 9 has participated in their Term 4 Wellbeing Days. These days have been a joy to be a part of, with our students developing their resilience, knowledge of Wellbeing systems and supports, and their connectedness to each other and the school. Thank you to the Koonung Wellbeing team, led by Ms Kate O’Keefe for organising these important days for students.
The 2024 Middle School team is your primary contact for you regarding any matters relating to your child in Years 7-9.
- Mat Delaney – Head of Middle School
- Katrina Pumpa – Middle Years Administrator
- Lauren Hughes – Year 7 Coordinator
- Nikita Natsis – Year 8 Coordinator
- Stuart Kofoed – Year 9 Coordinator
- Owen Lovelace-Tozer – Middle Years Support
Mat Delaney
Head of Middle School