Parents and Friends Association

Parents (and friends) with a passion for Koonung
The Parents and Friends Association (PFA) at Koonung is a friendly group of parents, guardians and friends working together to support the school community. We organise fun events, fundraisers and aim to help our school stay connected. The PFA needs more parents to suggest ideas and volunteer for events. Meetings are held in a hybrid setting each term, making it easy to join online or in person at school. It’s all about creating enjoyable activities and fostering a sense of community.
Join in and help make a difference! Please contact for more information.
Koonung Day and World Teachers Day
Thank you to all the wonderful volunteers who helped run the tug-a-war, pie-face and water balloon games to help our kids have fun celebrating the end of Term 3 Koonung Day. You can view this short video of the shenanigans.
Also a BIG THANKS to the families who brought platters of cheese, fruit, biscuits, muffins, sandwiches and who baked scones for World Teacher’s Day on Friday 25 October. The staffroom tables were filled with a gourmet banquet for teachers and support staff to enjoy. Thanks also to those who helped to set up and clean up on the day. All the staff were very grateful for the effort made by parents and friends of the school, and it was great to meet new volunteer parents too. Special thanks to Angela Booth for coordinating this morning tea for our amazing teachers and support crew.
Fundraising events
A very big Thank You to everyone for your "Mangonificent" support of the recent Mango fundraiser. A record 240 trays were sold, raising over $1600 in funds which will go directly towards the installation of outdoor seating under the new shaded area on the oval. Special thanks to the amazing Vittoria O’Brien for coordinating this.
Did you know that $20,000 of parent-raised funds through PFA this year will be provided to the school to buy six table and chair settings for under the new shade sails on the oval, and on the north side of the Middle Years building. Our school hopes to install these early in 2025. Check out the pics below.
The Koonung Second hand Booksale and Uniform Shop are preparing for one of the biggest fund-raising days and we need your support!.
Keep a look out for the Compass notifications for how you can get involved for this event in December. If your child has outgrown their Koonung uniforms, please consider selling them via the uniform shop (70% back to parents and 30% to school) or donating them (100% to the school). Uniforms can be left at the college office during business hours.
We do request that the uniforms are good quality.
A Second Hand Uniform Lodgement form needs to be completed if you wish to sell your items via the uniform shop.
Volunteers are always welcome (even one hour a month helps!). Send an email to:
Thank you
On behalf of the PFA team
Stay in contact with other parents through WhatsApp.
In the spirit of fostering community and connection, the following WhatsApp Groups have been updated and are available for parents to join their respective year level/(s) for 2024. If you would like to join, please click on the relevant link below. If you are already in your year level WhatsApp group/(s), then you don't need to do anything as this will simply move with you throughout your Koonung life. If you are not yet part of your child's year level group chat but would like to be, then this is for you!
2024 Year 7 Families
2024 Year 8 Parents
2024 Year 9 Parents
2024 Year 10 Parents
2024 Year 11 Parents
2024 Year 12 Parents
PFA News on WhatsApp
Keep up to date with PFA news and announcements by clicking this link
WeChat Community for Chinese Koonung Families
Stay connected with other Chinese families at Koonung by joining the WeChat group. Please contact Peihoon Heng 0431615181 or her WeChat @Peihoon1, for the link to join the group.
Become a Parent Representative for your year level!
The role of a Parent Representative needs no experience, just a willing spirit to facilitate parent connection in your student’s year level. You have the flexibility to organise coffee outings, dinners, a Sunday afternoon picnic or whatever you like doing! We generally recommend 2 representatives to support each other for your year level. The PFA will support and help facilitate any events you wish to organise. Please contact us via email to find out more!
PFA Meeting Dates 2024
Term 1
Monday 4 March AGM & Ordinary Meeting
Monday 25 March
Term 2
Monday 22 April
Monday 3 June
Term 3
Monday 5 August
Monday 2 September
Term 4
Monday 7 October
Monday 25 November
PFA contact details: