Wellbeing update

Wellbeing @ KSC
Leading up to the end of the term, the Wellbeing Team continues to be busy. The team provides a mix of one-on-one counselling, group work, clubs and larger all school programs.
Some students have regular one-on-one sessions with a Wellbeing team member, some come for one visit for a particular issue, others just use the Wellbeing space to have some time out.
All students are welcome to access the Wellbeing space and staff.
Wellbeing Days
This term we have had and will be having three Wellbeing Days for Years 7, 8 and 9.
This will include presentations on
- Healthy Relationships facilitated by the Wellbeing Team
- I like, like you (ILLY). This is a skills-based schools’ program for students on healthy relationships, gender equality, mental wellbeing, communication and managing emotions run by Relationships Australia
- A workshop on consent by ECASA
- A session on responsible gambling by EACH
- Project Rockit is an antibullying workshop. The aim is reduced bullying incidents, increased resilience, and improve student wellbeing
Along with fun activities such as tabloid sports, and games.
Study and Snack
The Wellbeing Team have continued to offer Study and Snack three times a week. This is held from 3:00-4:00pm in the old Middle Years. It gives students a chance to meet with friends after school, get started on homework and chat with the Wellbeing Staff who are in attendance.
Wellbeing Wednesdays
Wellbeing Wednesdays is held every Wednesday in the Wellbeing office. This is a space for students to hang out at lunch time, eat lunch together and play games with the Wellbeing Team. This club has a regular group of attendees who have enjoyed playing Kluster and Spot it with wellbeing team members.
Breakfast Club
The Breakfast Club happens every Friday morning and continues to be popular. The Breakfast Club enables all students at school to enjoy a nutritious breakfast, allowing them to engage and participate fully in all the educational and social opportunities that school offers.
Reconciliation Action Plan
Koonung Secondary College has formed a Reconciliation Action Group. A Reconciliation Action Plan is a formal commitment to reconciliation. It documents how our school will strengthen relationships, respect and opportunities in the classroom, around the school and with the community. The Reconciliation Action Group was formed to create the RAP and meets approximately three times a term. The group are in the process of discussing actions that can be taken to fulfill our commitment to reconciliation. We are fortunate to have a very passionate and enthusiastic staff who also welcome input and ideas from our community.
Please remember that our door is open, and we are here to support all students. You can visit any of us in the wellbeing space or contact us on our email accounts through your school email.
Kate O’Keefe – Director of Wellbeing - Kate.OKeefe@education.vic.gov.au
Emily Ridgwell – Mental Health Practitioner - Emily.Ridgwell@education.vic.gov.au
Eryn Tyler – School Counsellor - Eryn.Tyler@education.vic.gov.au
Phillipa Ziegenhardt – School Counsellor - Phillipa.Zeigenhardt@education.vic.gov.au
Liz Senior – Student Wellbeing Officer - elizabeth.senior@education.vic.gov.au
Support services for students, parents and carers
Eryn Tyler
The Wellbeing Team