Wellbeing- Parent Info Sessions

New School Psychologist
We are pleased to let you know that we have finally secured a psychologist from OnPsych – Ana Romeo. Ana will be working at CNPS each Monday.
For anyone wanting counselling for their child, get a Mental Health Care Plan from your child’s GP, fill out the attached ‘Parent Pack 2024’, and either send it through to OnPsych or into Jane at the CNPS office.
After-school Homework Group
North Richmond Community Health What: After-school Homework Group
Where: In the Community Rooms and Training Room at North Richmond Community Health, 23 Lennox Street, Richmond
When: Tuesdays during the school term
Times: 5.30 pm to 6.30 pm
Age: Prep to year 9
Cost: Free!
Booking required.
If you know of a family in the area whose children need assistance, contact NRCH directly.
Tuning Into Teens is back in Term 3
Tuning in to Teens™
Interactive small-group program for parents/carers of teens & tweens
The Tuning in to Teens™ program is for parents/carers of children aged 10-15 years who live or study in the City of Yarra. This 6-session, interactive, small-group program is a great opportunity to better understand and help your child as they navigate high school and adolescence. The program helps you reflect on how you can strengthen your relationship with your child and build their emotional intelligence.
For more information please get in touch with Jennifer Jennifer.Sells@cohealth.org.au or Mirella Mirella.Diorio@yarracity.vic.gov.au.
Term 3 Program: Bargoonga Nganjin
When: Wednesday evenings, 6pm-8pm 14, 21, 28 Aug; 4, 11, 18 Sep
Who for: Parents/carers of children aged 10-15 who live or study in the City of Yarra
Where: Bargoonga Nganjin (North Fitzroy Library)
Cost: Free
Registrations required: Email Jennifer Jennifer.Sells@cohealth.org.au or Mirella Mirella.Diorio@yarracity.vic.gov.au to register
These are small-group discussion programs with approx. 8-10 participants.