Noticeboard and Important Dates

Important Dates
Wednesday 28 August - Wear it Purple Day Celebrations - purple bake sale and purple dress up! (see info below)
Thursday 29 August - District Athletics
Tuesday 10 September @ 5.30pm - CNPS Art Show
Wednesday 4 September - Indigenous Literacy Day
Tuesday 10 September - CNPS Art Show 5.30-7pm (5-5.30pm low sensory)
Thursday12 September - RUOK? Day
Wear it Purple Day
Wear It Purple Day is happening on Wednesday, August 28th. Wear It Purple Day strives to foster supportive, safe, empowering and inclusive environments for rainbow young people. On the day, we are holding a Purple Bake sale, and we are also inviting anyone who would like to support the initiative to wear something purple!
Purple Bake Sale and Wear it Purple Day accessories:
We are calling all bakers to make cupcakes and other small baked goods, decorated with a purple theme. Baked goods will be sold during the day (and at assembly if there are leftovers) with proceeds going to charity, Minus18.
Please mark all baked goods with ingredients. We are seeking gluten-free baked goods too!If you are planning to donate baked goods (or even honey joys in a purple wrapper), please let us know as soon as possible or put your name down in our bakers’ volunteer sheet, here
Please bring all baked goods to the office before drop-off on Wednesday, August 28th.
We will also be selling Wear it Purple Day accessories such as bracelets and stickers for gold coin donation. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me: