Student Awards - Term 3

September "I Believe"
FOUNDATION B - Harrison W for always listening to his friends, uses kind words, and treats everyone with kindness. Well done for being so respectful and caring in Foundation B!
FOUNDATION B - Noah R for having faith in others. By trusting and respecting friends and teachers with kindness and compassion.
FOUNDATION G - Emersyn K for always showing respect during class by listening and contributing to discussions. You are a valued member of Foundation G. Well done, Emersyn!
FOUNDATION G - Tavish H for trying really hard to make good learning decisions and for helping teach his peers basketball! Well done, Tavish!
FOUNDATION L - Annabella N for her reverent participation in our morning meditation and prayer.
FOUNDATION L - Jack J for demonstrating confidence in his growing abilities and dedication as he proudly shares his home reading practice.
YEAR 1/2E - Aria L for showing respect during our morning meditation and prayer and always thinking of others in the personal prayers she shares with the class.
YEAR 1/2E - Alena A for believing in herself during concert practise, helping her classmates to learn the dance moves and know where to stand and confidently leading her line onto the stage.
YEAR 1/2PH - Jason D for using spelling techniques to sound out unknown words when reading a text to his teacher.
YEAR 1/2PH - Ciara C for writing full sentences in her workbook.
YEAR 1/2D - Jacob L for using kind words and actions to respect his peers and teachers.
YEAR 1/2D - Leo B for dedicating his time and energy to be a focussed learner.
YEAR 1/2K - Cyrus L for consistently treating classmates with kindness and respect.Your positive attitude makes everyone feel valued and happy!
YEAR 1/2K - Henry S for believing in yourself and your ability to complete your work. Well done!
YEAR 1/2M - Sienna N for being a respectful and supportive peer to all members of our class.
YEAR 1/2M - Aisha G for always believing in herself and consistently demonstrating her dedication to her learning by trying her best.
YEAR 1/2FM - Jeslyn H for attentive listening and exemplary behaviour, setting a great example for others. Keep up the excellent work superstar! ⭐
YEAR 1/2FM - Yasmin D for believing in herself and demonstrating enthusiasm and determination in all areas of her learning. Well done Yasmin. You are a superstar! ⭐
YEAR 3/4B - Aaliyah B for having the most beautiful handwriting. Aaliyah obtained her pen licence this week, Well done!
YEAR 3/4B - Tristan D for being such a respectful class member. Tristan is so enthusiastic about his learning, helpful towards others and he will really be missed when he leaves 3/4B. Good luck Tristan!
YEAR 3/4C - Ethan K for listening to the ideas of others, and responding respectfully and politely. Thank you for being such a lovely class member Ethan!
YEAR 3/4C - Louis D for believing in his own ability during all lessons. Keep that smile on your dial Louis!
YEAR 3/4S - Jayden S for the way in which he has been respectfully practising the concert dance, helping others and giving things a go! Thank you Jayden!
YEAR 3/4S - Jacob W for the respectful way he has been working in writing groups, listening carefully and adding ideas. Thank you Jacob!
YEAR 3/4KC - Natalia N for always being a respectful and helpful member of our class. Thank you Natalia!
YEAR 3/4KC - Ryan T for trying hard to make good choices about who he is working with in class. Keep it up Ryan!
YEAR 3/4M - Aston H for demonstrating consistently well structured handwriting and receiving his pen licence. Keep up the wonderful handwriting!
YEAR 5/6K - George M for being kind, caring and respectful to yourself and others. For showing respect with your work and trying your best. Great work, George!
YEAR 5/6K - Jacob L for believing in your abilities and trying your best. For looking out for others and being a great friend. Well done, Jacob!
YEAR 5/6MV - Jayden C for always showing his class members respect, kindness and gratitude. Well done for pushing yourself to be your best - keep it up Jayden!
YEAR 5/6MV - John B for all the hard work on your Saints & Heroes project, and for being an excellent collaborator with other students in helping them finish their projects as well. Good job John!
YEAR 5/6R - Rocco M for continually showing respect to the adults and peers he interacts with, showing genuine appreciate for the support and guidance he is given.
YEAR 5/6S - Riley S for being a great support when collaborating with his peers by sharing, listening and exploring the ideas of others. Thank you for helping to enrich our learning community.
YEAR 5/6S - Lukas D for the self-belief and determination he showed at District Athletics. His school spirit, teamwork and sportmanship was exemplary. Congratulations Lukas!
YEAR 5/6P - Noah N for showing a positive attitude towards his learning, respectfully listening and sharing his ideas.
YEAR 5/6P - Ruby H for the determination she shows in her learning to ensure she understands the concept being taught. Keep it up Ruby!
Physical Education (Year 3/4) - Livansh R for your hard work and dedication in PE lessons. Your honesty and strong work ethic never goes unnoticed!