Learning News 2/3

Mrs Ruth Anderson and Mrs Justine Harris


The students that helped prepare, participate and attend the mass led by K-2 at the end of week 4, are to be commended for their enthusiasm and mature way they did so.


Cold Write

What an impressive effort was made by students during the ‘Cold Write’ last week. Students endeavoured to do their best work by taking their time to create an interesting story remembering to include the use of some ‘WOW’ words.



This week in Science, 2/3 will be creating chalk drawings of the different shapes of the moon. They will also be using mini marshmallows and toothpicks to create a constellation, let’s hope we get some photos before they are eaten.



Frost Over Barraba

We have continued working on our artworks for the Frost Over Barraba Art Show shop display and will complete them this week to hang in the kitchen shop on Friday. So please make your way down the street to admire their work. We also hope to have some students enter their artwork in the competition as well.


Peter Pan

The K-3 dance army continues to learn and improve their moves for the intermission performance at the Peter Pan play during the Thursday production. Mrs Harris is a tough dance army captain ensuring the soldiers are in the right place but having fun at the same time.




1/2 maths completed their work on Area with each student understanding that the whole area needs to be covered, not to have any gaps, and do not overlap when measuring. This week they have started work on division, learning to share objects into groups equally.



Keep reading at home and practise times tables when either travelling in the car or cooking dinner together.