General Information

School Fees

Thank you for your continued support of our school. School fees have been issued via email. The sender will be noreply.schoolfeestatement (please check your junk/spam folders). Please Note These fees are due by the end of Term 3.  BPAY is our preferred method of payment for school fees (details are on your statement). BPAY can be set up as a recurring payment with regular amount to cover annual school fees. If you would like a weekly/fortnightly/monthly amount worked out for you or have any further questions, please contact the office or 67821685


School Uniform

Peter Pan

We still have tickets available, so if you haven't already, please contact our school office to purchase some.

If you are wanting to book food to have during the Peter Pan productions please call Andrew at the Playhouse Hotel on 67821109.




Morning tea items are now able to be ordered through the Flexischools App.

If students have both morning tea and lunch orders, there needs to be TWO orders placed for the day. 


There will now only be minimal items available to purchase without being ordered, if sending cash with your child please send coins or no greater than a $5 note as we have minimal change on hand, Thankyou.


Sports Equipment

We have had quite a few students bringing sports equipment to school with them each day.  Whether it be a handball or a football etc. we ask if they can please be left at home, we have a good supply of equipment in our sports shed that is able to be used at recess and lunch.

Communication with the Principal or Classroom Teachers

Parents are always welcome to discuss any matters with the classroom teachers or the Principal. However, as their time out of class is limited, it is essential to make an appointment. This can be done through the office or via the Compass App by clicking 'Send email to [your child's name] teacher.'


A gentle reminder that all children are not to bring any medications including asthma puffers to school in their bags for their own administration. All medication is to be handed in to the front office and a Medication Authority From is to be completed by parents.

Book Club

Issue 6 is here! 

Road Safety