Foundation A 

Celebrating Learning

Prep A are continuing our phonics learning with consonants m, s, f, and including our first vowel sound next week! We are learning through story, repetition, and games. The introduction of our Sound Box this week was very exciting. The anticipation on student’s faces as each object was revealed and linked to its letter sound was fantastic!

In maths we have been learning number maths games that be played with a partner. Students taught the game to their Grade 5/6 buddies and will continue playing maths games with their buddies each Friday. 


Play-based learning continues in the mornings with students working on collaborative builds, including unique river systems and dams. Potion making was introduced last week and has been very popular as students explore the garden.


We began our PMP programme this week. This will run on Wednesday mornings from 9:30am, in the multi-purpose room. We all had a lot of fun balancing and tumbling and I was so impressed by the focus from everyone!