

Dear Parents/Carers, 


It was a busy week with swimming carnival last week and the Gala Day for the 5/6s. Both days require a lot of planning and preparation. The swimming carnival team was small, but the children managed to make up some teams to compete against the bigger schools in the district. Congratulations to all the swimmers particularly Annie Krnjacki Jones for her efforts in the butterfly, one of the most difficult swimmer techniques to learn and race. 


The Gala Day was next with the 5/6 children playing in basketball, cricket, and rounders. The teams had been training with the 5/6 teachers on Saturday and it was noticeable how well they played and competed. The Winter sports are next term and that is Football AFL, Football soccer and netball and Newcombe.  


The younger grades have been practising their ball skills with tennis balls, tennis racquets and small bats. The focus is hand eye coordination. It is noticeable when a child has had no free ball playing when they come to school. It's always worth just throwing and catching a ball with your child/ren at home. 


PMP has started for Nemo and Juliette's grades. This is a fine motor balance program for young children. We are always looking for parents to help and volunteer on Wednesday morning. If you are interested talk to the teachers involved. 


The Winter is coming, and the children will find some relief from the heat we have been experiencing this month! It’s a great time for sport as the AFL starts and the momentum builds towards the Olympics in Paris!! 


Thanks Everyone Leigh Collins

P.E Coordinator.