
We have completed our discussions and as a group each class has decided on the final Growth Mindset for the art room to complement student learning. This term the craft focus has been felting with each class working on a different project as decided on by the students.
Prep students are making felted snakes which encourages them to use their fine and gross motor skills to manipulate the wool fibres.
They are also making mini stress balls that have a soft sponge in the centre. Class one is making larger stress balls using various colours and using needle felting for the first time. Class 2/3 are making felted furry friends. Class 4 have decided they want to make felted dwellings and class 5/6 are making felted crazy creatures.
To support student learning, parents are invited to help out in the art room. You will need a current working with children check. Please sign in at the office before you come to the art room.
Antoinette Vaiano