Year 4 Steiner 

Celebrating Learning

Local Area and Mapping


Measuring the classroom, the school and even the things around and inside of them, students have begun to gain a better understanding of distance and direction. Our Main Lesson will continue with looks at local nature, illustrating and taking notes about what is observed. However, the other day we were sent on a mission to find the missing treasure chests hidden around the school. Eddie the pirate had devised a series of orienteering treasure maps for the students to follow, which they were enamoured by. 


Down below is a series of images from the students' Local Area and Mapping Main Lesson work, some images from our treasure hunt and some of their thoughts of the Main Lesson thusfar.



Ivy says “The treasure hunt was one of the most fun Main Lessons I have ever done. This was because we got to look on a map and use metres to determine where the treasure was 🙂.”
Ambrose says “My favourite part of the Main Lesson so far was the treasure hunt, because of the presentation. That’s what I really like.”
Ila says “I liked the treasure hunt because we got to work together.”