From the Principal

Benvenuto - Welcome

Dear Parents and Carers,


There has been plenty on this week at the college.


Building Program


The technology building has commenced! It was great to see work start on the next stage of our building in preparation for use in 2025. This new wing on the west end of the pavilion will house opportunities for students to explore design and technologies using different materials such as wood, metal, fabric, 3D printing and other exciting projects. We currently have a submission in to the State Government for further funding for the building of general learning areas on the east side of the building for stage 4A&B which we hope to receive news of the outcome mid-year.


Year 12 Student Leader Day


Our 2024 College Student Leadership group had the opportunity to attend the annual CES Ltd Ethical Servant Leadership Forum this week. 

It was a wonderful opportunity for the college leaders to connect and network with student leaders from across the diocese. The program allowed students an insight into themselves as leaders and developing an understanding of their impact as leaders – both in school and more broadly in the community. 

The students were lucky enough to hear from the new Executive Director of Catholic Education Sandhurst Ltd, Kate Fogarty in her opening address on young leaders in today’s world. 

Please read Meredith’s report in the SOP section of the newsletter for more news on this event. 


PD Day


Today the staff were fortunate to have the opportunity to engage in further professional learning around learning and teaching at St Anne’s College. The staff were able to interrogate data sets, reflect on practice, build their pedagogical knowledge and talk about future actions. These days are an important part of the professional growth and development of staff, leading to enhanced and connected learning opportunities for our students.


I hope that you all enjoy a long weekend with your families and friends and that you are able to find some JOY in your weekend.


Susan Carroll




Thanks to the following businesses for supporting St Anne's College:



for landscaping supplies 


 Intercontinental Spares

for the 40ft shipping container


 ConX Hire

for the VMS display board