Principal's News

Where every child is known, challenged and supported to be lifelong learners.

Dear Parents and Friends of St Brigid’s,


How quickly is the term going! I cannot believe we are in Week 4 already. We only  have 5 weeks to go as this term is a short term with 9 weeks. We have certainly started with a bang - 5/6 camp, Swimming Training in progress ready for our District Swimming sports and I have had 3 school tours. 


The children are working really well and we are on the last days of testing the students so we can use the data to help drive our teaching. 

Happy Birthday to Fr Andrew 

On Monday, Fr Andrew celebrated a special birthday - he turned a very young 60! We celebrated with Andrew on Wednesday were we shared a morning tea with him.   A special thank to Giselle (Arian's Mum in Foundation) for making the beautiful cup cakes. They were delicous and enjoyed by Father Andrew and the staff.

Foundation Welcome Mass and Picnic 

On Sunday, Fr Andrew celebrated Mass with the Foundation students and their families. The children enjoyed participating in the Mass and were very keen to show off the actions to the songs played during the service. We had a lot of families attend so a big thank you for taking time out of your weekend to spend time with your St Brigid’s family.


We also celebrated Fr Andrew’s very special ‘60’th birthday with a birthday cake and lots of well wishes from the families.

School Advisory Council

Just a reminder that our first School Advisory Council meeting will take place next Wednesday 28th February at 7.00pm. All are welcome to attend the meeting, but I would ask that you RSVP via my email if you would like to attend so we know where we can have the meeting. 

Thank you to Amy (Harvey and Iris’ mum) who has volunteered to be a general member.

School Fees

Our school fee statements for Term 1 have been sent home. Thank you to all families who have made payments or set up payment plans - it is very much appreciated. If you have any concerns regarding your fees please contact Fiona either by phone - 95804518 or via email -

Kiss and Go Area - Not for Parking

The Kiss and Go parking bays in both Chute and Albert street are not for parking and coming into the school grounds. The Kiss and Go areas are for parents who sit in the car and then as soon as their children are in the car and buckled up they move. Please be respectful of those parents who do not want to stay and chat.

Child Safe Standards Briefing, MandatoryReporting &  Anaphylaxis Training

As we do at the start of each year, staff have to undertake training in relation to Safety and First Aid.


I have had a briefing with staff in relation to the Child Safe Standards, which are a set of standards that aim to protect children and young people, by requiring organisations to put policies, procedures and processes in place to prevent and respond to abuse. We have all the necessary polices and procedures in place at St Brigids.


Staff have completed the following eLearning modules:


Anaphylaxis Training and their Mandatory Reporting eLearning module.


During the course of Term 1 we will be completing our Dynamiq Evacuation Training and our First Aid Training in Term 2.

Parent Representatives 

The SB Squad along with the Parent Reps have a twofold job. One is to encourage social get togethers with their level, which can be as simple as a coffee in the park with the children, to a dinner out. The other role is to support the SB Squad manage fundraising activities or find parents to help man stalls, wrap easter eggs etc. 


At this stage we have the following Parent Reps:

Foundation  - Alex Saffigna, Giselle Saffigna and Bill Elliott

Year 1 - Erin McGeoch and Fiona O’Kane

Year 2 - Amelia Brooks and Britt Hall 

Year 3 - Laura Smith, Kelly Shacklock and Dave Patterson

Year 4 - Chantel Graham, Sharon Cann and Andrew Montesanti

Year 5 -  Amy Pincott, Fiona Daly and Andrew Montesanti

Year 6  - Jess Veneziano and Mel Kavanagh


Thank you for putting your names down to help out. We are looking forward to working with you this year.


Naplan testing will start on Wednesday 13th March for students in Years 3 & 5.  All Victorian Schools start Naplan with the writing component on Wednesday.  


Please see the attached brochure for some more information regarding Naplan.


New Parish Rep for Earthcare

In his encyclical Laudato Si’, Pope Francis reminds us that the concept of integral ecology encourages us to care for the Earth and each other. It calls us to action.


When you join Earthcare, you become part of our Parish achieving social and ecological justice. 


Our Parish of St Mary of the Cross is an Earthcare Parish with National Earthcare as part of Caritas. We have a team of 6 that represents the two Church communities, two School communities, parish leadership team and our Justice Action group. Previously Dina Watterson a parent from St Brigids represented your school and we are very grateful for her great contribution. As her last child is leaving the school we need a new representative. 

We only meet every 6-8 weeks online through Zoom and decide on activities and projects the parishes and schools can work on together. I am hopeful someone will be happy to fill this important role. Please contact Julie Buick on 0422674634 to discuss your interest. 

Please refer to the Parish website.

School Closure Day

Friday 8th March is our first School Closure Day.  All staff will be offsite and participating in a RE and Wellbeing Professional Development Days. 


TheirCare will be open for this school closure day. Please book in early so Sandra knows how many children will be attending and is able to plan fun activities for them all. 

RE News

Our Year 4's are beginning their preparation for the Sacrament of Eucharist. The Eucharist Commitment weekend will be on Saturday 2nd March and the following Wednesday (6th March) we will have the Year 4 Eucharist Activity Night. We are looking forward to working with our Year 4’s on their journey. 

Head Lice

It is that time of year again where head lice make an appearance in our classrooms!


This is not a cause for serious concern, however Head lice is extremely contagious.


In order to determine if your child has been infected with Head lice, we are asking all parents to inspect their child’s hair. We suggest that you look for the following symptoms or signs that would indicate the presence of Head lice:

  • General: child scratching his/her head excessively.
  • On pillows: fine black powder or pale coloured material.
  • In the hair: signs of lice eggs (“nits”) – cream or coffee coloured specks close to hair roots.
  • Lice: small white or ‘greyish’ parasites the approximate size of a pinhead.

 If you notice any of the above signs please treat your child’s hair, all bed linen, pyjamas, hairbrushes and combs, towels, etc.  If Headlice is found check the rest of the family and treat if necessary. There are various types of treatment available from your pharmacy. 


We are keeping the Kavanagh Family ourour thoughts and prayers this week with the sad news that Marc's Father, Sammy 3/4K and Benji's Grandfather, Robert "Bobby" Kavanagh passed away earlier this week.


Have a lovely weekend.


Yours in partnership

Wendy Sullivan.