Message from 


School Nurse Janice

Dental Van Visit

The Dental Van has commenced appointments with students today.

Please ignore any text messages you may receive from Martin Vale Dentistry re appointment times. 

All student who returned signed consent forms will be seen at the Dental Van at the school, but date and time of the appointment can vary.

The Van will return to the school after the holidays until all students have been seen. Thanks for all families who have returned forms. 

If you wish for your student to see the dentist, it is not too late to return the consent form. Spare forms are available at the school Office if needed.

School Immunisations

Thank you to all families who have returned the Immunisation forms. We would appreciate all forms be returned indication if your student is having their immunisation at school or not. Spare forms are available at the Office if needed.

The rescheduled date for the Immunisations is next term on Friday 3rd May. 


Janice Deocampo

School Nurse