Principal's Message

Mr Forrest


Don't forget to check school calendars regularly as we have a number of events coming up such as the Deb Ball, Year 7/8 Melbourne Camp and NAPLAN testing. 


On Friday we are celebrating International Women's Day  with a special activity to say a thank you to all the wonderful ladies that we have on staff at Wedderburn College.  Mr Lockhart & Mr Forrest will run a special activity before lunch for students with the help of all other male members of staff . They will also be taking care of yard duty and classes to give the ladies some extra time.   If you have the opportunity thank all the special ladies in your life on Friday for International Women's Day!


A reminder no school Monday for the Labour Day long weekend.



School Fete - Easter Extravaganza

Can we beat the target for donated easter eggs?  The classroom who donates the most wins a prize.     Thanks for the donations so far - we have 57 Easter Eggs donated.   Last we we set a record of 198 donated easter eggs!. 


We have commenced planning for the annual Easter School Fete.

The fete will be held on the last day of Term 1, Thursday 28th March commencing at 10 a.m. As it is the last day of term school we will finish the fete at 2:00 p.m. with presentations completed by 2:30 p.m.   More details will be released to the community over the next few weeks.   We will be asking for donations, stall holders and volunteers. Our Parents & Friends Association has already started with the annual Mega Easter Raffle.  All friends, family and community members are most welcome to attend.   Due to a small adjustment to the building project it will be business as usual for the school fete as we will have access to the KLC until the end of Term1. 



Builders Start Site Preparation Works

On Monday Nicolson Builders from Bendigo commenced preparation work onsite with the erection of fencing in the stage one area.  Demolition will start in the next two weeks.  Stage one will see the construction of new secondary toilets, science classrooms and an outdoor area beside the college cafe. In a minor adjustment to the plans a new wheelchair ramp will also be construction leading up from the front gate to the primary classrooms.     


All vehicle access into the college is restricted during building works, a reminder to all parents that the staff carpark is not accessible at any time.   Access to carparking is available to all staff, parents, carers along Hospital and Chapel streets.   All visitors still have to report to the school office when they come onsite.   It is important to be aware to not enter the fenced off areas at anytime


There have been timetable changes made to secondary classes to accommodate building works. Every effort has been made to have classes away from construction noises.  The KLC will still be in operation until the end of Term 1. 




February 2024 

In the 2022-23 State Budget the Victorian Government invested $12.886 million in Wedderburn College to modernise the school and give students better learning opportunities. We will upgrade Block A classrooms and the school hall.

Upcoming works

A builder has now been appointed and works are due to commence on site in the coming weeks. Works may include installation of site amenities and fencing, demolition works, construction, landscaping and use of heavy machinery at times.

Construction is forecast for completion by Quarter 3, 2025.

Asbestos removal works will take place as part of this project. The health and safety of the school and local community is paramount, and any identified asbestos will be removed in strict accordance with occupational health and safety regulations and will be lodged with WorkSafe Victoria.

A licensed asbestos removalist will remove the materials under the supervision of an independent occupational hygienist, who will also conduct air monitoring. The hygienist will also issue a clearance certificate to ensure the building is safe for general access on completion of the works. No asbestos works will be scheduled for removal while students or staff are on site.

To support upcoming works, we will need to remove several trees on the site to make way for the new facilities. We have worked to keep as many trees as is safely possible. We will plant at least 2 trees of a comparable species for every tree removed, in line with our tree removal and replacement policy.

Construction hours will comply with Loddon Shire Council guidelines and the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) regulations. We will strive to maintain the privacy of all residents and business owners and to minimise potential disruptions throughout the project.

Kind regards

Victorian School Building Authority


Appointments Necessary


We have had a great start to the 2024 school year and as a Principal very little to complain about.  Students and staff are now into their regular routine of day to day classes and planning for a successful year.


Unfortunately, I do have to remind the school community that communication whether in person or over the phone be conveyed in a respectful manner.  Everyone must understand that under the current low staffing levels across education and many industries we cannot simply drop everything to deal with you immediately.  It is imperative that you phone ahead to make appointments as every staff member, including teachers in the Principal class have a number of classes to teach this year, more than usual.   Please do not assume we are available if you turn up to school.   We encourage all parents and carers to follow all communication channels available to you starting with your child's home-group teachers.