From the Principal 

Week 4 Term 1 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,


Yr 5/6 Camp

Yesterday our Yr 5/6 teachers and students returned from spending three days at Burnside camp in Angelsea.  What a great experience for our students!!!  They participated in many varied activities. These activities ranged from surfing, to canoeing, to zip lining. I would like to thank the teachers and learning support officers who attended and also to Richard Price for organising the camp. The staff spend time away from their own families to provide this wonderful experience for our students.

You can find more photos on our Instagram page


Parish Picnic

Just a reminder that our Parish Picnic is on this Sunday at St Anne's.  Our choir will be performing alongside the St Anne's choir. It would be great to see as many families in attendance as possible to support our community. It commences at 11.30am.


Marwal Avenue

Just a reminder that students, parents and grandparents need to use the crossing on Marwal Avenue. Alex our wonderful crossing supervisor is there to help. This is for the safety of all.

It might be  "easy" to cross the road near the car park but council officers will be around monitoring the situation.


Running Club

Just a reminder that running club commences tomorrow morning.  Mr McFarlane is hoping for a huge turn out. Its commences at 8.00 am at Myrtle Park.  Just a reminder that if your child is in Yrs P-2 a parent is required to stay with them.



Just a reminder to parents that the Operoo form for our school athletics day needs to be completed. Please ensure you indicate whether your child will be returning via bus. Students need to be dropped off  at  the Doncaster Athletics Track, George St Doncaster between 8.30am and 9.00am. I look forward to seeing lots and lots  of parents in attendance to both support and help on the day.


Have a great week