
House Athletics

House Athletics is next Wednesday, 13 March, at Myrniong.


If you can assist on the day of House Athletics (13 March), parent volunteers would be greatly appreciated for roles like timing, measuring, and marshalling. If you can spare the day or an hour, please contact the Director of Sport, Elly Dixon, ASAP at


Tuesday 12 March - 1500m – College Oval – runners will be dismissed 10 mins early from Period 4 to get changed.


On the day:

  • Students wear House t-shirts and come to school in sports uniforms.
  • Events will begin 9.20am and spectators are welcome.
  • The P&F will be running a BBQ on the day. The canteen is not available.
  • Remember hats, water and sunscreen!
  • If parents are at Myrniong, students can be dismissed from there once telling their Head of House.
  • Bring your House spirit!