Clothes and Toys

-Thanks to everyone who has already donated clothes for the clothes stall. we still would like more clothes to sell. If you haven't gone through your wardrobes yet, it would be great if you could do it this weekend. The last day to donate is Thursday 


-We would love to borrow a couple of free standing full length mirrors for fete day if anyone has one? 


-Do you have any skirt/pants  hangers with adjustible clips? We are running out!


-It is a massive job sorting all these clothes out so they are ready for the day. If you can spare an hour or two anytime during school hours between now and the day, just come up to the office. 


-Finally, we still need quite a few people to help us at the stall on fete day. We will be in the library away from the sun or rain!



Kathleen 0419387764


Thanks to everyone who has donated toys for the fete. We are chock a block!

 So we don't need any more toys.

 We do however need volunteers on the day. We would love your help. Please sign up on the roster form or contact the office. Thanks