Community Hub

Gardening group is going well. Jenn (our volunteer sewing teacher) is running this group and so far we have planted lettuce, cabbage, beans, parsley and strawberries and recently we planted sage, potatoes, onions and bush tucker. Please come along and have a look and have a chat with Jenn on a Thursday morning when you get a chance.
Our sewing, crochet & knitting class are sewing for the community. This creates an opportunity for the ladies to practice good sewing methods on simple structures. So far they have made library bags for an organisation ‘paint the town read’ which motivates whole communities to read, talk, sing and draw with children from birth so that they will be ready for reading and writing at school. Currently we are now attempting to make quilts for the local hospital.
Our English conversational class today was a lot of fun. The ladies started with reading and general conversation and it ended with card games and plenty of laughter.
Look forward to seeing you at the hub next term. Any questions please ring me on 82649588.