Canteen News

Hello from the Canteen
It’s hard to believe we are at the end of term 2 already. This term we had a fantastic response to the NAIDOC cupcakes in week 8. Thank you to all the parents, students and the staff who bought these.
We have some fantastic specials coming in term 3 and hope the kids love them. We have Butter Chicken returning with a few new items to add to the menu. Look out for an Olympic special coming in the beginning of the term as well. Mini Krazy Krush have been introduced to the treats that the children can buy and have been a hit. These are the perfect size for the younger students. Coming in term 3 is the promotion where students can win a free Krazy Krush. This is only for the regular size and students have a one in ten chance of winning.
Thanks again to the volunteers who help out during the week. The kids love coming in to see parents, carers and grandparents at lunch time.
We hope everyone has a safe and fantastic holiday break and we look forward to seeing all the students next term.
Michelle & Karran