Principal's Update

At Dundas Public School we do our best always

Public Holiday - Monday, 10th June 2024

Just a reminder that next week, Monday June 10, 2024, is a public holiday for the King’s Birthday and school is closed for the day. 


All students and staff will return to DPS on Tuesday, 11th June.



Parent webinar - Building a resilient child

As part of our whole school approach to wellbeing, Dundas Public School began a partnership with ‘Real Schools’ in 2023 to help guide our staff and students towards embedding restorative practices to help solve the occasional friendship dispute or inappropriate behaviour. 


Working restoratively is really all about asking the right questions to students when things go wrong. You see, most approaches have us putting our detective hats on and focusing everything on the past. It really doesn’t get us very far because we never get to the present or the future.


Put simply, we’ll be asking your children questions like:

· What happened?

· How has that made people feel?

· And what action needs to be taken to make that better?


It’s all about teaching responsibility for your actions and knowing that nobody is going to do it for you. Our job is to help them do just that … better and better and better.


There’s a LOT more to Restorative Practices and we’re going to ensure you find out all of it. Our ongoing partnership with Real Schools is supporting and resourcing us to make this change and you have access to all the resources too. Just head to the Member Login tab at and use the login & password – dundasps - to have a look at all that we’re working on at school.


Our expert facilitator from Real Schools, Brenda Quayle, has organised a wonderful opportunity for our parent and carers where she will be hosting an online webinar to discuss how parents/carers can build a resilient child.


During this session, parents and carers will learn:

· how Dundas Primary School is building resilience and a restorative school culture.

· strategies that both parents and the school can use together to best develop resilient young people.

· develop knowledge of how we are using Restorative Practices to build a strong, relational culture.

· how the home environment can contribute best to building a confident, respectful child.


Where – Online Webinar; register via the link here 

Date – 19th June 2024 

Time – 7.15pm

Enrol now for Kindergarten 2025

We are now accepting online enrolments for Kindergarten 2025. Your child can start Kindergarten at the beginning of the school year if they turn five on or before 31 July in that year. By law, all children must be enrolled in school by their sixth birthday.


How to Enrol

If you are an Australian or New Zealand citizen or permanent resident and live within our designated intake area, you are eligible to complete the online enrolment application. You will then need to finalise the application at the school.


Click here to access School Finder and check that your address is in our catchment.

Parents will be asked to complete the 100-point residential address check to confirm they live within the school’s designated intake area.


Click here to read about the 100-point residential address check.


Click here to enrol online.


We look forward to meeting you and your child very soon!

Lost Property

We have noticed many jackets, hats and drink bottles finding their way to the school’s lost property location over the last couple of weeks. A reminder that the new location for lost property is near the library stairs. 


We encourage parents and carers to regularly check the lost property if items have been misplaced. 


As we sort through lost property, there are a concerning number of items which are either not labelled with the child's name or the labelling has faded so much that it is impossible to read. Please take some time to check that all your child's belongings are labelled clearly to allow any lost items to easily be returned.

Audiri app

We continue to be surprised when parents/carers tell us they did not know about the Audiri app and that they had missed important messages. Audiri is the main platform DPS uses to communicate messages quickly with our community. 


Please download the free app to your smart phone if you haven’t done this already. 

Below is a summary of the different platforms used by DPS and their intended purpose. 


Weekly planners on DPS Facebook page

Are you on Facebook? Are you following the Dundas PS Facebook page? If not, you must check it out!


We regularly share images from organized school events and excursions. Every Friday, we share a weekly planner for the following week. Feedback from parents has been extremely positive as the page has become very important for families when organising their children for the next school week. 


School Events on the school website

Another way DPS helps our families plan for future events, is we have planned school excursions/incursions and whole school activities on our school website in the ‘Events’ tab. 


Below is a link to the Events page at the DPS website.


Events - Dundas Public School (

P&C Corner

Thank you to the P&C executive for organising the school disco that took place last week. It was very well attended and the students looked like they had lots of fun. 

The next meeting of the P&C Meeting will be held on Tuesday 11 June at 5:30pm in the school staffroom and on Zoom. All parents are very welcome to attend. 

Join the meeting here.