Group 2

During Term 2, our students have continued to develop their social and personal capabilities. It has been wonderful to see the students enjoying floor play together and developing friendships along the way. The students’ literacy and numeracy knowledge are continuing to grow through their daily work tasks and routines. Shared reading is an absolute favourite in our group when students get to use puppets to act out stories, move and express themselves. Motor skills, confidence and critical thinking skills have been further enhanced through outdoor play, PE and Music.
It has been a busy term for our students. During Education Week students experienced a variety of STEM activities. The students particularly enjoyed exploring the Indi Robots. The National Reconciliation Week provided students with sensory experiences using natural materials such as wood, gum nuts and stones in sand made from flour/oil and oats/brown sugar. The theme this term was ‘Farm’ and the students had fun learning new farm songs and cleaning ‘muddy’ farm animals in water during an outdoor experience.
Well done Group 2, and Happy Holidays!
Siv & Charan