Principal's Message

Some Good News On Waterbank

Earlier this week, all families would have received an important communication from the College regarding ‘Waterbank Constructions, June 2024’. As copied below, it outlined the latest News regarding constructions around the Waterbank precinct and the plans to re-instate Trinity Avenue later in the year. Importantly, it also provided important information regarding access into and out of the College during the upcoming mid-semester break.


‘I am sure that most of our students, families and staff have been very pleased to see some construction activity on the Waterbank precinct. As most recently announced by the Member for Perth, and the Minister for Planning; Lands; Housing; Homelessness, Mr John Carey MLA, we are looking forward to Trinity Avenue being re-instated as our entrance drive later this year. Into next year, we will also look forward to having some access to some new Playing Fields at Waterbank. As specific details and designs are finalised, I will communicate this to our College community. After years of patiently using the temporary road access running through this vacant site, we will certainly welcome the return of Trinity Avenue and the ability to use this future green space for Physical Education classes and some Sport training.


In order to facilitate planned works at our main Entrance Gate, access to and from the College via the temporary road off the Causeway will not be possible during the mid-year school break (Saturday, 22 June to Sunday, 14 July 2024). This period will allow respective construction teams to have full access to this area.


While traffic into the College will be considerably reduced during this holiday period, if for any reason, members of our College community need to access the College Campus during this period (Saturday, 22 June to Sunday, 14 July 2024), please note the following:


Student drop-off and pick-up areas are available along Sailani Avenue (formerly Nelson Crescent). City of Perth parking is also available along this area (free after 6.00pm). Pedestrian access into the College will be available via the Junior School Gate (Gate No. 6) and the Ministry Gate (Gate No. 7), which will remain open during the day.


Once again, we appreciate the patience of our College community as we await the completion of works to re-instate Trinity Avenue and further, to provide access to playing fields at Waterbank. We respectfully ask for your cooperation over this upcoming holiday period.’


Further to this important information, I wish to formally acknowledge the ongoing work of the School Advisory Council (SAC), the Chair, Mr Peter Torre and our College Business Manager, Mr Geoff Searle in helping secure such a positive outcome for our College. In particular, members of the Capital and Planning Sub-Committee group have been relentless and determined in pursuing an outcome that will assist Trinity College. Their willingness to attend countless meetings, meet with various authorities, and government agencies, and drafting endless letters and proposals, has been quite extraordinary.


While the work is not complete, nor the final outcome delivered, the construction milestone outlined above is most significant. In particular, I wish to highlight and acknowledge the outstanding work of the Sub-Committee Chair, Mrs Alysha Cass and Committee Member, Mrs Avril Thomson for their outstanding work and willingness to serve our community.


Live Jesus in our Hearts


Mr Darren O’Neill
