Assistant Principal News

Week 9 greetings


There has seen some cold days this week but our students remain active and engaged at school! We have had a number of absences due to illnesses and as I mentioned in my previous newsletter, please ensure your child has a plenty of rest at home if they are unwell. I was at the Y5/6 camp in Myrniong this week and I will share about it more in details in the special edition of Snapshots from our Classroom.



Policy Updates


The Education and Policy sub-committee reviewed and updated the policies below. They were then approved by the School Council during our meeting which was held on Tuesday 4 June. Please do not hesitate to come and see me if you have any questions about either of those policies. 今学期に入ってから内容が更新されたポリシーがあります。学校のウェブサイトに掲載いたしましたので、お時間がある時にでもご確認ください。6月4日の会議で、スクールカウンシルから更新内容の認定を受けたポリシーは上記されているものです。

CPS Mobile Phone- Student Use Policy

Please note that the Department enforces a strict guideline for the use of mobile phone and other mobile devices at government schools. The updated policy reflects this, and it details the appropriate use and storage rules during school hours. The most significant difference between our old policy and the updated one is the fact that the students are now expected to hand in their smartwatches upon arrival at school. We have observed several occasions where students received a random text message from an unknown number, playing games on it in the playground. Students will have access to those devices freely before and after school so that they can communicate parents when necessary.ビクトリア州の教育省は、生徒の携帯電話や類似するディバイスに関する厳しいポリシーを採っています。今回のポリシーの更新ではそういった教育省の姿勢を反映し、学校にいる間の生徒の携帯電話・類似するディバイスの使用について説明しております。旧ポリシーとの大きな違いは、携帯電話同様、学校にいる間はスマートワォッチも先生に預けるというものです。これは、授業中に知らない番号からメッセージを受け取ったり、校庭でゲームなどで遊ぶ生徒がいたことなどの事例により今回のポリシーに反映されることになりました。登下校時間には今まで通り使うことができます。


CPS Camps and Excursions Policy

This policy will be fully enforced from camps and excursion activities planned for our students from next term. こちらのポリシーは来学期から施行されます。


Snapshots from the Classroom – Special Edition


I spent the past three days with our Y5/6 students and I was a proud Assistant Principal, seeing our students fully embracing the opportunity. Students were provided with opportunities to engage in various activities such as cooking, canoeing, orienteering, geocaching, kick biking, dual flying fox. It was really pleasing to see them supporting and encouraging each other, including at mealtimes and night times when they were staying in cabins together. Camp staff commented on what wonderful children they were, our Y5/6 students should be proud of themselves. 今週の火曜日から木曜日までを、5・6年生とともにデュワー湖のキャンプ場で過ごしてきました。キャンプファイヤーを使ってのクッキング、カヌー、オリエンテーリング、ジオケイシング、キックバイク、フライングフォックスなど、さまざまなアクティビティをしてきました。食事の時間や、キャビンでの時間も含め、お互いを励まし合い、支え合う生徒たちの姿はとても微笑ましかったです。キャンプ場のスタッフからも、CPSの生徒たちの素晴らしい素質をほめていただけました。5・6年生、よく頑張りました!



Until next fortnight,

Miharu Morioka