YEAR 11 



Dodgeball Tournament

This term, our Year 11 Student Mentors have been working hard to build team spirit within the Year 7 cohort by organising a Dodgeball Tournament. This event highlighted their enthusiasm, organisation and leadership skills, enabling them to work together and positively influence our younger years. With the successful conclusion of this event, I can’t wait to see what they come up with next term! 

2025 Leadership Applications 

Applications for 2025 College Leadership opened last week. Students interested in a role created an application and will hear back from our College Leadership team soon. 


Busy Week Ahead!

This is a busy week for our Year 11s. Students participate in the RYDA program on Monday, which encourages road safety. Some students are also attending the JCU Young Entrepreneur Summit, where they will explore aspects of leadership, idea development, pitching, and entrepreneurship. 

Students will be asked to empty their lockers for the holidays on Friday. If your child is absent, we will need to cut their lock unless: 


1) Your child provides the code to their Pastoral Mentor so we can empty the locker and store their belongings in the classroom. 


2) Your child empties their belongings before Friday and takes their lock home.


Saripha Curro  I Head of Year 11


Phone: (07) 4044 4200

